
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Working with Selective Mutism: Intermediate Course - Modules 2 and 3

Ref: 722/20
Date:To be confirmed
Venue:UCL Chandler House, Bloomsbury, London
Cost:£80 Module 2/ £160 Modules 2 & 3
Places: 20

Course Overview

Building on Module 1, the morning focuses on small-steps intervention programmes to enable individuals who have SM to talk first on a one to one basis and then generalise to others across a range of settings. General principles to maximise progress are discussed, together with a guide to troubleshooting and dealing with regression. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion; and video

The optional afternoon covers additional considerations for older children and young people, including secondary school transfer and individuals who may be disengaged and hard to reach.

N.B. Participants will be required to bring with them a copy of the second edition of The Selective Mutism Resource Manual (Johnson and Wintgens, 2016, Speechmark Publications) or purchase one on the day by prior arrangement.

Target audience

Any professional, support worker or family member who has completed Module 1 training. Case-workers and therapists working with adults are also welcome.


At the end of the course participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.


Module 2 
 9.45 Review of general principles of intervention covered in Module 1.
 Planning and implementing small-steps programmes.
 11.15 BREAK

 Identification of factors which facilitate or complicate progress

 Dealing with regression 

 12.45 LUNCH
Module 3For delegates who have attended modules 1 & 2
 1.30 Additional considerations for adolescents and secondary school settings
 3.15 Issues of motivation, engagement and consent
 4.30 CLOSE

Course Tutor

Maggie Johnson, Principal Speech and Language Therapist, Kent Community Health NHS Trust.