
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Eye Think Lab

Close up of an eye with a micrchip superimpossed over the top
That is the link between thinking and seeing? How are individuals’ thought processes related to the people around them? In the eyethink lab, we use gaze, speech and motion tracking technology to investigate how perception and cognition are embedded in the social world. We present pictures, speech and movies to participants. They watch the displays, recall information, form opinions, talk to each other and play games. We explore how the identity, beliefs and simply the presence of other people can influence individuals’ cognitive and perceptual processing. 

Visit the Eye Think Lab website

Principal investigators

Profile Daniel Richardson
Daniel Richardson

Professor of Experimental Psychology

0207 679 5208

-Recent publications

Profile Miles Tufft
Miles Tufft

Lecturer (Teaching), Div of Psychology & Lang Sciences


Profile Lena Nalbandian
Lena Nalbandian

PhD Student

Blank profile
Robin Ren

PhD Student