Multiwave 10-year EMA study examining the dynamics of peritraumatic and posttraumatic stress symptoms in individuals with and without serious mental illness during war, routine times, and COVID.
This is a large 10-year study with 4 bursts of ecological momentary assessment data collected from two cohorts – with and without serious mental illness during war, routine times, and COVID times. This project is a collaboration with Professor Marc Gelkopf.
The effects of Processing of Positive Memories Technique on post-trauma affect and cognitions among trauma survivors: A daily diary study.
This project combines case-series design and daily diary approaches to examine changes in daily affect, daily cognitions, and daily PTSD symptoms before and after receiving the Processing of Positive Memories Technique (PPMT) which focuses on positive memory retrieval and processing. Trauma-exposed participants provide daily diary data before and after undergoing PPMT, and we examine changes at the daily life level. This study is conducted in collaboration with Dr Ateka Contractor and Professor Sharon Sznitman.
Frontline-COVID and CARE studies - Mental health of health and social care workers during and after COVID
These two longitudinal studies aimed to investigate the mental health of health and social care workers and the impact of potentially traumatic events and potential morally injurious events. Seven waves of data were collected from UK-based health and social care workers during 2020-2021 (Frontline-COVID) and from Israel-based health and social care workers in 2022 (CARE study).
Psychological First Aid for war-related distress
This project aims to develop a group-based version of psychological first aid for individuals affected by war-related distress. The intervention will be piloted with UCL groups to begin with. This UCL Grand Challenges project is jointly led with Dr Charlie Cole.
Daily life threats in trauma survivors
In this study, we combine qualitative research with ecological momentary assessments to aim to understand how trauma survivors perceive and respond to different types of threats in their daily lives, and whether this threat reactivity then triggers PTSD symptoms.
Understanding autistic emerging adults' experiences of trauma and restraint during childhood and adolescence and their enduring impact
This study seeks to understand the enduring mental health impact of traumatic events that occurred during childhood and adolescence of autistic individuals.
COVID Trauma Response Working Group
The COVID Trauma Response Working Group was formed to help coordinate trauma-informed responses to the COVID outbreak, conduct research, and to develop evidence-based guidance.