
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Gorkan's Research


My main focus in research has been the advancement and validation of a novel individual differences framework for the study and measurement of entrepreneurial tendencies. The novel framework and measurement have increasingly been adopted by the wider entrepreneurship (e.g. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) and intrapreneurship community, and is presented in a theoretical chapter in Wiley Handbook of Entrepreneurship (2017).

The key research output, funded by the ESRC, has been the development of the widely validated Measure of Entrepreneurial Tendencies and Abilities (META; Ahmetoglu et al., 2011). META has been completed by nearly .5 million people (entrepreneurs as well as employees and managers) in 50 different countries. Cuesta et al. (2018), reviewing existing instruments for measuring entrepreneurial personality traits, states

In an international context, the META questionnaire has probably been the most widely accepted (p.2)”. 

The main aim of my inter-disciplinary research is to utilise META and other psychological tools and techniques to promote innovation in established corporations, facilitate the performance of entrepreneurs/founders (and start-ups), and develop high performing entrepreneurial regions

Specific research streams:

  1. How to identify Entrepreneurial Talent
  2. Using personality profiling and machine learning to identify high impact entrepreneurs
  3. Understanding what more entrepreneurial people do and achieve relative to less entrepreneurial people
  4. Understanding the contexts under which entrepreneurial people thrive, and the context under which they do not
  5. Entrepreneurial activity in developing regions
  6. Entrepreneurial teams  
  7. Gender differences in entrepreneurial behaviour and performance 

Selected Publications: