
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Artemis Research

My research aims to build bridges between proactivity and entrepreneurship. Specifically, we aim to create a theoretical framework of the antecedents of entrepreneurs proactive behaviours. By using this knowledge, we then turn to inform a psychology-based interventions for entrepreneurs, namely personal initiative. My research focuses on building and evaluating the effect of a digitalised version of personal initiative training (Campos et al., 2017; Glaub et al., 2014) on entrepreneurial outcomes. The core construct I am studying is personal initiative (Frese & Fay, 2001) that has been shown to be a key element to entrepreneurial success. Personal initiative training has been largely applied to the developing world and has demonstrated robust results on entrepreneurial firm performance (Campos et al., 2017).

This research aims to support and maximise knowledge exchange, through the dedicated learning platform by digitalising an already well-validated, psychology-based entrepreneurship training and offer further knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurial learning. Hopefully, through this research we will support entrepreneurial activity and performance during a period of crisis, by keeping individuals as well as the economy “connected” but will also provide public bodies, policy makers and entrepreneurs with rigorous data and evidence that will help them allocate further funding for educational purposes.

Current studies:

  • Exploring the antecedents of entrepreneurs’ proactive behaviours: a qualitative study
  • How does entrepreneurial leadership relate to innovation? Exploring the mediation role of employee engagement and moderating role of leader narcissism

Future studies:

  • Evaluating the impact of an online psychology-based  training programme on entrepreneurial firm performance through a randomised control trial