
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



We provide different workshops for different objectives. These are developed based on scientific evidence and research and delivered by experts in the respective area of work. 

Certification workshops (1 day): the purpose of these workshops is to develop a deep understanding of the tool of interest. This is usually for organisations and investors that aim to apply the tool in particular contexts such as investment decisions, interviews with entrepreneurs, individual coaching, team building, or personnel change. 

Self-development workshop (.5 day): this workshop is aimed at giving test-takers (entrepreneurs, mentors etc.) an understand their own profiles; what it means, what implications it has for their performance and career, and how to use it to develop and improve themselves. This workshop can be used 

Custom workshops (1 or 2 days): the aim of these workshops can vary from team building/development, to improving investment decisions, and personal development. These workshops are more customised to the context and the venture/organisation in question and usually involve deeper understanding and analysis of the profiles and individual, team, or organisation level advice and consulting.    

Train the trainer workshop (2 days): We also provide a ‘train the trainer’ session where we upskill individuals to the level of being able to train others to use the tool.