
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Entrepreneurial Personality

This research stream investigates the causes, correlates, and consequences of being more versus less entrepreneurial - i.e. The Entrepreneurial Personality. There are various research questions that we address in our lab. 

Past research questions:

  • Do entrepreneurial employees generate more innovation within established organisations?
  • Do entrepreneurial founders have more successful businesses? 
  • Is an entrepreneurial personality important in arts and sciences?
  • How do we engage and retain entrepreneurial employees?
  • Do entrepreneurial people have a dark side?
  • What environments do entrepreneurial people prefer and thrive in?

Current & future research questions:

  • How do we create successful teams with complementary personality profiles? 
  • Are entrepreneurial people over-optimistic?
  • Do founders require different entrepreneurial traits relative to employees to be successful?
  • Can we go beyond the 4 entrepreneurial traits? A more detailed measure of entrepreneurial personality. 
  • Do women entrepreneurs require different personality profiles to be successful?
  • Does the gender-performance relationship hold across different contexts?

Selected Publications: