
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


ReSet Project

This is an overview of the ReSet Project run by our team at the DRRU. For more information, please find a link to the ReSet Project website at the end of this page.

Building resilience through socio-emotional training

ReSet Team picture

The ReSet Project will develop and test a new school-based preventative mental health intervention for adolescents. It will target two closely interlinked mechanisms that are fundamental to both resilience and vulnerability to mental health problems in adolescence; emotion processing skills & social relationships.

Good emotion skills (including recognizing the emotions of others or of oneself and controlling or managing one’s emotions) and positive social relationships are both crucial factors in positive mental health. We want to find out if training these skills in unison is a better way to promote and protect young people’s mental health and well being.

As well as working alongside experts in the field, a fundamental part of our study is that adolescents play a key role in the design and delivery of the training programme.

To read more about the reset project and how you can get involved, head over to our website: https://resetproject.co.uk/

To contact us directly about getting involved in the reset project, email us at the following address: reset.project@ucl.ac.uk

To keep up with our project updates, feel free to follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/ReSET_Project_


Publications associated with this project:

Lloyd, A., Law, R., Midgley, N., Lucas, L., Wu, T., Viding, E., & Fearon, P. (2024). Co-Producing an Interdisciplinary, Preventative Mental Health Intervention: Development of the Building Resilience through Socioemotional Training (ReSET) Programme.

Lloyd, A., Roiser, J. P., Skeen, S., Freeman, Z., Badalova, A., Agunbiade, A., ... & Viding, E. (2024). Reviewing explore/exploit decision-making as a transdiagnostic target for psychosis, depression, and anxiety. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-23.

Lloyd, A., Lucas, L., Agunbiade, A., Saleh, R., Fearon, P., & Viding, E. (2023). No Decision About Me, Without Me: Collaborating with Children and Young People in Mental Health Research.

Lloyd, A., Viding, E., McKay, R., & Furl, N. (2023). Understanding patch foraging strategies across development. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.