
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Word finding difficulties therapy delivered via a group or paired therapy


Therapist researchers:Hilary Nicoll and Susan Ebbels
FunderMoor House School, Surrey, UK

This project used the same therapy method as Ebbels et al. (in prep) which was shown to be successful when delivered 1:1. In the first phase, the same therapy was delivered to a group of 5 pupils. 5 pupils from the same class acted as controls. Results of this group delivery were mixed: 2 students improved their word finding skills (as measured by the Test of Adolescent Word Finding, German, 1990)) but progress for the whole group did not differ significantly from that of the control group. Therefore, we can not at this point say that delivery of the programme is effective in a group setting. Factors, such as attention control & social communication difficulties may have affected progress within a group setting but not in individual therapy (see Ebbels et al., in prep).

This project is now continuing, investigating the effectiveness of the same therapy method, but delivered in pairs. Currently one pupil from the original control group and one from the original therapy group who did not make progress within the group setting are receiving therapy. Next term, two other pupils (one each from the original therapy and control groups) will receive the same therapy. Their progress will be compared with that of the other pupils who were in the original study but have not received any therapy on word finding during these two terms.