
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


PALS Arrangements for Safety



What to do

If you are involved in an accident that requires attention and/or assistance contact your nearest First Aider (listed below). If out-of-hours contact University College Hospital - Tel 0845 155 5000.

Reporting of accidents

It is mandatory at UCL that al accidents, incidents and near misses are reported using the RiskNET report an incident on-line tool. Safety Services guidance on Accident and Incident reporting can be found at: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/accidents/index.htm.

All accidents must be reported, no matter how minor.

Accident investigation

Following the report of an accident, incident or near miss the USO, together with the Line Manager and Safety Services will arrange for an investigation to be carried out. The USO, will investigate all reported accidents, institute any follow-up action required to ensure that similar accidents are prevented in the future. In the event of a serious accident as little as possible should be handled or moved and any equipment or product (including disposable items) involved in an accident or incident must be retained and where possible left in situ, pending investigation. In the event of a serious accident, Unit Safety Officers (USOs) to report to George Joseph (DSO).

Potential causes of slips, trips and falls within the Division must also be reported immediately to your USO who will take appropriate immediate action to resolve the cause in order to prevent a reoccurrence.  Slips, trips and falls resulting from wet floors within or outside the Division should be notified immediately to Cleaning and Waste Services on 020 7679 3312 (extension 33312) or email facilitieshelpdesk@ucl.ac.uk so that the area can be mopped and cleaned quickly.


The Division follows the UCL approved LAA Standard – see also www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/laboratory_animal_allergens/index.htm.

Allergens (Catering)

Although the 3rd floor café in Bedford Way/XLNT Catering take every precaution, they cannot guarantee that the products they use will be 100% allergen free as they use all of these ingredients in their kitchens.

Animal Handling

Supervisors should ensure that all workers with animals are taught safe procedures. Health & Safety issues with regard to working with animals are the responsibility of UCL Biological Services


The Divisional contact for the Estates and Facilities Division, for building related matters is: DSO George Joseph ext.25328. This person is to be informed by Estates and Facilities Division of the duration of any asbestos removal work, location, risks, etc. and will inform members of Division as appropriate.

Audits / Inspections

Inspections will be conducted by the USO 1-3 times per year. The findings of these inspections will be presented to Safety Committee. Audits will be undertaken by the DSO as necessary to monitor the implementation of these arrangements.

Building Maintenance/Building Works in the Department

Any member of the Division who becomes aware of a maintenance problem should should download and submit a UCL Estates Service Request Form. The DSO acts as Divisional contact for the Estates and Facilities Division /Building works.

Chemicals / Carcinogens

All substances such as chemicals, solvents, adhesives, paints, fluid typing correctors etc. should be regarded as potentially hazardous whether or not they are labelled as such and their contact with the user must be minimised. In addition , substances labelled as hazardous (with an orange label and a black symbol indicating the hazard are subject to the Regulations for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (the COSHH Regulations) which are intended to control access to and minimise contact with the substance in accordance with the degree of hazard. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator/Line Manager with advice from the DSO, to obtain and keep on display the safety data sheets which are provided by the supplier and to maintain procedures which satisfy the COSHH Regulations.

In order to minimise spills, all substances should only be bought or carried in quantities sufficient for use, hazardous substances should be moved in double containers and suitable spill kits should be available.

Where possible do not use carcinogens, substitute with non-carcinogenic compound


Units within the Division are cleaned daily by UCL contract cleaners. Problems with cleaning should be reported to your USO/UCL estates.

Compressed gases

Cylinders must always be secured and always moved on trolleys (See Manual Handling). Competent persons only to change cylinders and refit heads.


Any problems arising from contractors working in the Division must be reported to the relevant USO at once, who will then contact UCL Estates (nb. Always ask the contractor for the UCL Estates Project Officer's name as this is the person who ensures the work is done according to a safe standard).

Co-operation with other Organisations

Supervisors/Line Managers are responsible for ensuring there are safe working procedures in place for any of their staff or students who are required to undertake work in environments controlled by other organisations and should consult USO or DSO.

Departmental Safety Committee

The Divisional Safety Committee meets termly and is composed of HoD, DSO, and USOs, The Divisional Manager and UCL Safety Services Area Safety Officer also attend.


The Division follows the UCL Disability Policy.

Display Screen Equipment

Members of the Division who are working for the majority of the working day at a computer work station should undertake a DSE workstation assessments which must be carried out using the riskNET workstation on-line tool. The assessment will be issued by the departmental DSE Assessors who will follow up any issues raised

Multi-user workstations should be adjusted for the specific ergonomics of each user at the start of each session. Workers using display screen equipment should take regular breaks (10 minutes in every hour).

UCL DSE guidance and standard is at: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/dse/index.htm

Safety Services can be contacted on ext. 57246 or e-mail safety@ucl.ac.uk.


see Chemicals


Departmental Safety Officer (DSO)

Departmental Safety Officer (DSO)

The DSO is the person designated to manage safety throughout the division on behalf of the HoD.

DSO Duties

  • To liaise between UCL, Safety Services and any relevant outside agencies.
  • To advise the Head of Division on standards of safety across the Division.
  • To organize the necessary safety training for USO.
  • USO Duties.
  • To conduct Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing) in support of their unit.
  • To prepare a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) on behalf of student and student.
  • To be a trained First Aider whilst having a sound knowledge of UCL Health & Safety requirements for his/her building

Electrical Equipment

All new equipment should be CE or BS (kitemarked) standard and should be given a visual inspection before use (to include plug, wires and the condition of the equipment). All staff should carry out informal visual inspections at the time of use of electrical equipment and report any concerns to your USO or the DSO.

All electrical equipment is subject to a portable appliance test after one year old and maintenance programme appropriate to its use and records are kept of this.

Emergency Situations

In the event of a serious accident requiring an ambulance, violence/threat of violence, discovering a fire phone 222.

In the event of electrical mains failure or smell of mains gas phone 222 at any time

Emergency instruction sheets are displayed in lift lobbies and on appropriate notice boards.

Entry into Potentially hazardous areas

Potentially hazardous areas within the Division are the workshops, scanner area and animal laboratories. Entry is restricted to the following categories of personnel:

  • in the scanner area: trained and approved personnel
  • in the workshops: technicians and approved personnel
  • in the animal laboratories: approved personnel who have been screened for animal allergens by Occupational Health.


Before work is begun in any part of the building the facilities should be suitable for the work to be carried out including adequate ventilation, lighting, floor covering etc. Any problems should be discussed with the DSO who will report the matter to UCL Estates and inform the HoD.


Before work begins on any exhibition on or off site, UCL guidance should be referenced to and the risk assessment carried out. Guidance is at: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/exhibitions/index.htm

Fieldwork/ Working off site

See the safety guidelines for experimenters to use when running subjects, and also the Risk Assessment guidance (PDF)


Fire Safety

All staff and students should familiarise themselves with exit routes and assembly areas to be used in the event of fire. In the event of fire, phone 222.

Senior Fire Evacuation Marshalls (SFEM) are:

Bedford Way:

  • George Joseph

1-19 Torrington Place:

  • Julia Curl

ICN - Alexandra House:

  • Sharda Gurung

Chandler House:

  • Cristina Gardini
  • Dave Cushing
  • Andrew Clark

DCAL 49 Gordon Square:

  • Kearsy Cormier

Fire doors must not be wedged open.

Corridors should be kept clear and not used for storage of excess furniture or equipment.

It is essential that all fires (regardless of size) are reported to the DSO who will inform the UCL Fire Officer. It is equally important that unwanted fire alarms are also reported. The DSO, Senior Fire Evacuation Marshalls and Divisional Manager should complete a report every time the fire alarm activates (with the exception of weekly testing and/or maintenance). The report form is at UCL Estates Fire Safety

A range of fire safety information and advice is available from UCL Estates Fire Safety Advice.

First Aid

Divisional First Aiders:

Alexandra House

  • Ashley Slanina-Davies, Room 403, Ext. 45204
  • Beth Allen, Room 305, Ext. 21542
  • Safia Chaudhary, Room 305, Ext. 24754
  • Dr Antonio Cataldo, Room 206, Ext. 21131

Bedford Way

  • Martin Hall, LG floor
  • Lada Mellou, LG floor
  • Maria Coker, Bedford Way Security, ext 2551
  • George Joseph, room B10 BW, ext 25328
  • Maha Al-Ginanni, 1st floor
  • Antonietta Esposito, room 210 BW, ext 25332
  • Alice Tucker, 2nd floor
  • Tess Meakin, 3rd floor
  • Sonia Theodoric, 3rd floor
  • David Vinson 4th floor
  • Peter Howell, 4th floor

Chandler House

  • Lucy Jordan, room 208 CH, ext 24291
  • David Cushing, room B08 CHB, ext 24016
  • Patti Adank, room 323 CH, ext 24091
  • Library Staff 2nd Floor Library 24210

49 Gordon Square (DCAL)

  • Ann Jones, ext 28678
  • Velia Cardin, ext 25822
  • Alan Wendt, ext 28690


  • Louise Gaynor, ext 30686
  • Paul Marshall, ext 31395

1 – 19 Torrington Place

  • Position Vacant

In the event of a serious accident call an ambulance via 222, stating name, location and contact telephone number.

For after-hours first aid telephone UCH Accident & Emergency Department - 0845 155 5000 or NHS Direct - 0845 4647

First Aid boxes are located in the following places:

Bedford Way:

  • Engineering Workshop B21
  • Room 302

1-19 Torrington Place:

  • General Office room 436

ICN Alexandra House:

  • lift lobbies (1st – 5th floor)
  • Post room (ground floor)
  • outside B10 seminar room (Basement).

Chandler House:

  • Basement, room B08
  • Ground floor, Reception
  • 2nd floor, Library
  • 3rd floor, room 309

49 Gordon Square:

  • Ground floor room G01/Reception
  • 1st floor, room 101
  • 2nd floor, room 201
  • 3rd floor, room 301
  • 4th floor, kitchen

Flammable materials

Not to be used until Risk Assessment has been approved by DSO.

Fume Cupboards

to be serviced and tested annually with the date on display. If the date has expired or the extractor is not working , the DSO should be informed immediately. The fume cupboard must not be used for storage.


The initial responsibility for the maintenance of housekeeping or tidiness in any office, both of themselves and of others, lies with its occupants. All members of the Division should exercise their common sense in terms of avoiding obvious health and safety hazards, e.g. trailing wires, unstable filing cabinets, large accumulations of rubbish, computer boxes or waste from eating and drinking.


Appropriate immunisation programmes are undertaken. It will be the responsibility of the Supervisor/Line Manager to ensure that staff and students are given all necessary immunisation(s) appropriate to the nature of their work as required. A record of immunisations and results of serological tests will be held by the Occupational Health Service and DSO in the Division. New members of staff should ensure that details of their immunisation record are made available on arrival in the Division.

Incoming Groups

Before any new working groups (research or teaching) start work in the Division, Risk Assessments should be carried out to ensure that the rooms ( labs, offices etc ) and other facilities conform to the department safety policy. See also Induction.


New members of staff should be immediately familiarised, by their Supervisor/Line Manager, with emergency procedures, with the location of fire exits, assembly points, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, first aid box etc. and introduced to the relevant USO. The USO will bring to the attention of new staff the Divisional Safety Policy and Arrangements, and their Supervisor/Line Manager will arrange for them to attend the UCL Safety Training Unit Safety Induction Course.


The supervisor of any laboratory work, both in research and undergraduate teaching, should carry out Risk Assessment for working with human subjects guidelines as well as the Risk Assessment for laboratory work.

Laboratory equipment is only to be used by competent staff in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.


Only types of laser pointers  permitted to be used in the Division are those using class 1 and 2 lasers. Advice of the USO must be sought if other types of laser device are intended to be used.

Lone Working

see Out-of-hours

Manual Handling

USOs have been trained in safe manual handling. Mechanical means (e.g. trolleys) should be used for lifting, carrying etc. where possible. As a last resort manual handling may be used after a practical assessment has been made. The assessment should take into account: (a) the weight of the object, (b) the person carrying the object, (c) the distance the object is to be carried, (d) the route via which the object is to be moved. All manual handling accidents must be reported to the USO and an appropriate investigation made and reported.

Moving Large Equipment: The following procedure is to be used when moving furniture or equipment, whether it is new items being delivered or other items being moved within the building or being sent for disposal outside. This is especially important in 26 Bedford Way owing to the large numbers of people using this building. In all cases, the furniture/equipment must be moved directly from its starting point to its destination without using the corridors or landings of the building as storage, temporary or otherwise. If the items are heavy or specialist help is needed, the porters should be booked or contact George Joseph or the local administrator who will make arrangements. If temporary storage is necessary while waiting for removal, it must be in another room and at no time in the corridors or landings.


Any complaints regarding noise should be referred to your USO in the first instance. They will arrange for the area where noise is considered to be a problem to be monitored to establish the level of noise. Where noise levels exceed the first action level (80dBA) information, instruction and training on risks to hearing and how it can be minimised will be given, ear protection will be given on request. At 85dBA or above appropriate action will be taken to reduce the level in order to protect the personnel concerned.

Details of specific equipment and areas - Workshops: ear defenders are supplied.

Office Work

For Subject to Risk Assessment see UCL SafetyNET.

Office equipment must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and only by workers who are adequately trained. Any faulty equipment should be taken out of use and reported to DSO.

Off-site Working

Guidance can be found a: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/off_site/index.htm

Out-of-hours and Lone Working

Out-of-hours working is defined as before 8 am and after 7 pm weekdays, anytime at the weekend and College closures. In the event of members of the Division needing to work out-of-hours, it is essential for them to inform HOD of their intention, and Security of their presence and departure.

Out-of-hours experimental work is only permitted if covered by appropriate control measures for managing the associated risks which have been specified in a Risk Assessment for the project beforehand.

Experimenters are not permitted to work alone with subjects out-of-hours.

Unattended Overnight Experiments are not allowed.

Permits to Work

Any work carried out in the department on the fabric of the building ( e.g. UCL maintenance, outside contractors ) must be approved by the DSO.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment should be identified by risk assessment and is obtainable from your USO

Pregnant Workers

Pregnant Workers are defined as those who are: pregnant; have given birth within the previous six months after at least 24 weeks pregnancy (whether the baby survived or not); or are breast feeding. Pregnant Workers should have a Risk Assessment of their work activities, a form will be sent by the Human Resources Division whenever the worker informs them in writing that she is pregnant. The procedure for pregnant workers is at: www.ucl.ac.uk/estates/safetynet/guidance/pregnant_workers/index.htm

Purchasing Arrangements

New items should only be purchased from reputable suppliers and must comply with current safety standards - e.g. kitemarked, electrical items should be CE marked.

Before the purchase of safety equipment (screens for computers etc.) advice may be sought from DSO or the Safety Services.

Record Keeping

Supervisors and Line Managers must maintain records relating to the staff, equipment and work activities within their areas of responsibility. Copies of which should be passed to the DSO for Divisional Records. The records should be kept in a central location.

Risk Assessment

It is a statutory requirement that risk assessments are undertaken for all activities of the Division, in particular Display Screen Equipment, Manual Handling. Supervisors are responsible for risk assessment. Risk Assessments should identify the work, those involved in the work, location of the work, any risks arising from the work, controls for those risks, training needs of those involved and be shown to those involved in the work.

Safety Policy Display

The safety policy will be displayed on the Divisional web site. Copies are also held by the DSO and the Head of Division. The policy should be reviewed at least annually in liaison with the Area Safety Officer.

Slips, trips and falls

See Accidents

Smoking, Eating and Drinking

Smoking (including the use of e-cigarettes) is not allowed in any part of the UCL. Eating and drinking are only permitted in personal offices and common rooms and must never take place in laboratories or any other area where chemicals are used, including offices which are part of laboratory areas. In addition smoking, eating, drinking, or application of cosmetics are prohibited in all laboratory areas. Use of laboratory equipment for the storage, refrigeration, freezing, heating, cooking or processing of food for human consumption is strictly forbidden.

Soldering and Welding

Soldering and Welding can only be undertaken by competent staff in the following areas: Workshops. See also Allergens.

Spill Procedures

see Chemicals

Storage Arrangements

Heavy items should be stored on lower shelves. Higher shelves should be accessed using the appropriate steps/ladder without overreaching.


Supervisors/Line Managers must take into account any stress which may arise from workloads and deadlines and all staff should be able to take any problems of work/life balance to supervisors. The UCL policy can be referenced at Managing Stress at Work.  


Students are the responsibility of their Supervisors/Line Managers, and must comply with Divisional Safety Arrangements and Instructions.


Members of Staff are reminded that they are responsible for people in their charge (ie in classroom or office). All Supervisors/Line Managers are required to adequately supervise the work of staff, students and visitors under them or in their care/control. This will include, but not limited to, discussion of the work to be done, the materials and methods to be used, health, safety and emergency procedures, waste disposal etc. Supervisors are responsible for risk assessment of all work activities under their control.


USOs will liaise with the Safety Training Unit ext.46988 and the Head of Division regarding any training requirements in the Division. USOs have details of Safety Training Courses.

Vacating UCL Premises

Before staff or postgraduates permanently vacate any UCL premises, their accommodation should be inspected by their Supervisor/Line Manager to ensure that any unwanted items have been removed. ( e.g. confidential records, biological samples).

Visitors/Workers from/in Other Departments

It is the responsibility of the host member of staff to make visitors aware of emergency procedures and the arrangements for safe working in the Division. Supervisors/Line Managers are responsible for ensuring there are safe working procedures in place for any of their staff or students who are required to undertake work in environments controlled by other Departments or external organisations.


Report any violent incident immediately to Security on ext. 222 stating name, location and circumstance. Inform DSO /HoD of incident and fill in an accident/incident form.

Waste Disposal

No waste or furniture is to be left in the corridors because this contravenes the Fire Regulations; instead the unwanted items must remain inside a room and the USO informed so that removal can be arranged as soon as possible.

All waste will be disposed of in accordance with College Policy using colour coded bags or other designated containers, e.g. 'sharps' containers.

  • Non-recyclable domestic waste - black plastic sacks.
  • Recyclable waste - clear plastic bags or designated boxes
  • Food waste – red plastics bags
  • Broken glass - put in a cardboard box, seal securely and label, thereafter as domestic waste (as appropriate).
  • Waste boxes, bulky rubbish, electrical equipment, fridges / freezers etc, should only be disposed of after direct agreement with your USO who will arrange with Cleaning and Waste Services for collection, these items must not be left in corridors pending collection.
  • Swarf - Steel swarf to be treated as broken glass.
  • Chemical - The different types of waste must be segregated at all times. Bags must be sealed (knotted or taped, not stapled) at the point of origin and labelled with the name of the Unit concerned.

Staff should also be aware of the Divisional procedure in the event of accidental spillage.

Working at Heights

No lone working, and appropriate safety measures to be used, e.g. appropriate footwear, step ladder held steady.


Access only permitted by authorised, trained and competent staff. Personal Protective Equipment must be available. Out of hours or lone working only allowed after Risk Assessment (no high risk work is allowed).

Workshop machinery, including abrasive wheels, must be used with guards in place, only by authorised and competent users, who must wear goggles, safety glasses as appropriate.

Working with electricity, e.g. construction or maintenance or electrical or electronic equipment, is only undertaken by competent workshop staff who certify as safe any such equipment before it is passed to the user.