
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


'Eyes Open' Evening - What it takes to be a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

19 April 2016

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners (PWPs) provide NHS treatments for anxiety and depression. UCL and London NHS services are looking to recruit a diverse age range of PWPs and encourage more mature applicants with successful working experience in other fields, an ability to study at postgraduate level and an interest in mental health.

It's not the end. It's the beginning.

Successful applicants will be paid to train and qualify on the job in this new primary care profession. If you are aged 35 plus and want to find out more sign up for our 'Eyes Open’ evenings. You will hear insights from UCL PWP tutors, PWPs in training and those who have qualified, with time for questions.

Places are limited so book now, for either Wednesday 27th April or Tuesday 3rd May at UCL.

Image: It's not the end It's the beginning - cover of The Guardian (19 April 2016) advertising the 'Eyes Open’ evenings.