
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Mentalization for Offending Adult Males (MOAM)


A randomised controlled trial which measures the effectiveness of a new type of psychotherapy for people who are currently under the supervision of the National Probation Service and do not want to offend any more.

What is MBT?

MBT is a psychological treatment that is based on the idea that we all want to be understood. “Mentalization” is how we understand other people by having an idea of what they are thinking and feeling, and the reasons for their behaviour.

What is the research study?

The research team at University College London are evaluating the effectiveness of MBT. This means that you are currently only able to access MBT if you sign up to the research study. If you or your Offender Manager thinks that you are suitable for MBT, they will meet with you to discuss in detail what the research study involves. Because we are evaluating the effectiveness of MBT, there is a 50% chance that you would be allocated to MBT but a 50% chance that you would be allocated to the control group. If you are in the control group, it means that you will not receive MBT, but are able to access any services provided in probation, which we call “probation as usual”.