
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Introduction to the Practical Management of Eating & Drinking Difficulties in Children: Basic Level

Ref: 713/19
Date:4th to 6th November 2019
Venue:UCL Chandler House, Bloomsbury London
To Apply:
To Apply:File Application form - invoice only (word)
  • This is a three-day course for Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and other professionals working with pre-school and school-aged children (but not infants) who have physical difficulties with eating and drinking.
  • The course focuses on dysphagia related to children with physical problems such as cerebral palsy, but not on children with autism or who are fussy eaters or who have behavioural problems.
  • The practical aspects of these problems will be considered within a developmental framework.
  • The aim of the course is to provide participants with an understanding of the normal development of eating and drinking skills, including the recognition of signs of aspiration.
  • It looks at the impact of gross motor on oral-motor skills.
  • It provides a framework for assessment and will help participants to improve their observation skills.
  • There will be opportunities to share concerns.
  • The course will suggest practical approaches which may be used with children who have eating and drinking difficulties.

Course Tutors

April Winstock, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist,

Julia Hopkins, Paediatric Dietitian,

Martina Ryan, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, and

Gill Stern, Physiotherapist.


At the end of the course participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance.