
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Speech Science Forum -- Anisia Popescu

05 December 2024, 3:00 pm–4:00 pm


Timing in rhymes involving sonorants: the effect of vowel type and morphology

Event Information

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Victor Rosi

American English rhymes involving laterals have been shown to exhibit coordination patterns reserved for onsets (Marin & Pouplier, 2010; Katz, 2012). These results, however, were based solely on items with lax vowel nuclei. There is evidence, based on limited data and simulations, suggesting that this pattern may not extend to rhymes involving tense vowel and diphthong nuclei (Popescu, 2019; Hsieh, 2017). In this talk we present data systematically comparing duration and formant dynamics across different vowel type nuclei (lax vowels, tense vowels, diphthongs) and postvocalic sonorant consonants (laterals, nasals).  Results show that vowel-consonant (VC) timing in American English rhymes are modulated by both vowel type and morphological composition.

This event will be hosted online.

Zoom link : https://ucl.zoom.us/j/92052680901 

About the Speaker

Anisia Popescu

Postdoctoral Fellow at Université Paris-Saclay

Anisia is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Digital Sciences (LISN) of Paris Saclay University, where she investigates cross-linguistic segmental variation in large corpora. Her research focuses on syllable level gestural coordination patterns, acoustic-articulatory relations and the development of speech production in children. Anisia earned her PhD in 2019 from the Paris Diderot University, where she completed a dissertation titled “Temporal organization of liquid consonants in complex syllables”. Prior to her current role, she held postdoctoral positions at the University of Southern California and Potsdam University. 

More about Anisia Popescu