
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


Speech Science Forum - Stephanie Borrie (Utah State)

17 November 2022, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm

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Leveraging the adaptable speech perception system for remediation of speech disorders

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Event Information

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Justin Lo


Listeners rapidly adapt to unfamiliar speakers, mapping acoustic cues to linguistic categories. This perceptual adaptation informs subsequent processing of the speech signal. With a focus on the neurologically degraded signal of dysarthria, this talk will present on a series of behavioral studies that test theoretical postulations about how and when listeners adapt to disordered speech. Data that points to the source of learning and the listener, speaker, and task parameters that mediate learning will be discussed. Collectively, the results support a novel approach for speech remediation: perceptual training to improve intelligibility of speakers with dysarthria. The talk concludes with direction for translational studies to move this work from bench to bedside.​

About the Speaker

Stephanie Borrie

at Utah State University

More about Stephanie Borrie