The new STORM (Standing Up for Myself) intervention is a manualised 4-session group based intervention (plus 1 booster session) that makes extensive use of filmed first-hand testimonials by people with intellectual disabilities, discussions and practical exercises.
The video below presents the background of the STORM programme, and the content and format of the intervention. (It is 12 minutes in length and will open in a separate window.)
Pilot of STORM
We are
currently recruiting existing groups for people with
intellectual disabilities aged 16 or over (groups can be educational, social
or activity-based groups) who would like to pilot the intervention.
We will
provide all resources (including a session-by-session guide), training and
support, and all groups who take part in the programme will be offered £100
towards their group/activity fund as a token of appreciation.
If you
are interested in piloting this programme, please contact the project lead, Katrina Scior ( for further details.
This project is funded by the Baily Thomas Charitable Fund.