
UCL Psychology and Language Sciences



Minorities in Clinical Psychology Subcommittee

The Minorities in Clinical Psychology Group aims to provide a support network for those who identify as being from a marginalised background. The group advises on issues of inclusivity and diversity and aim to promote change in minority representation across the Clinical Psychology Profession. The link provided is to their Slack page - It includes tips for interview preparation alongside example interview questions.

X @MinoritiesGroup                 minorities.cp@gmail.com                 

Facebook: Minorities in Clinical Psychology Group

Slack: https://bmesupport.typeform.com/to/fIxpnA

Division of Clinical Psychology: Pre-Qual | BPS

The Division of Clinical Psychology (DCP) Pre-Qualification group represents those who are on a journey to becoming clinical psychologists. This includes aspiring or trainee Clinical Psychologists. They hold a variety of events to learn, discuss, reflect, and share ideas with others. Such events include applying for Clinical Psychology Training and Preparing for Interviews Networking Event. They also have a list of resources including Tips for Training and Assistant / Aspiring Psychologist groups. @DCPPreQual

BiPP Network | Black and Minority Ethnics in Psychiatry & Psychology Network

The Black and Minority Ethnics in Psychiatry and Psychology (BIPP) Network work to advance representation. They host events and activities which address and tackle racial inequalities in the mental health profession. @BIPPNetwork

UK Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) International Community

A unique online community that connects international aspiring psychologists who are currently undertaking doctorate clinical psychology training in the UK or hoping to train in the UK.


Collective for Asian Psychological Therapists

A collective for Asian psychological therapists of all modalities (aspiring, trainee and qualified) coming together to reflect, learn and grow. @CAsianPT

The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network – BAATN

Home of the largest community of Counsellors and Psychotherapists of Black, African, Asian and Caribbean Heritage in the UK. @baatnman

South Asian Male Therapists Space

A space to meet aspiring, trainee and qualified therapists / psychologists who are male and South Asian.          

Dr Shah Alam: shahclinpsych@gmail.com


A group for aspiring ClinPsychs from ethnic minority backgrounds. On Twitter and LinkedIn




A peer-led, pre-training group that aims to support people who identify as ‘Black’ throughout their journey of becoming a Clinical Psychologist. @BACPNetwork

Alternative sources of support include:

  • Friends & Family
  • Previous or current tutors/supervisors
  • Trainees/Clinical Psychologists who offer their support on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook
  • Local groups for Aspiring Clinical Psychologists
  • Facebook groups such as Assistant Psychologists UK or UK Clinical Psychology Doctorate applicants