Katherine Leptos - Psychology

Current job title: Account Manager
Current employer: GfK (Market and User Experience Research Experts)
Why did you choose UCL and your degree programme?
I studied Psychology at A-level and loved it therefore wanted to continue at degree level. I chose UCL because it is a fantastic and reputable university, and the course was exactly what I was looking for.
What did you enjoy most about your time at UCL?
Living in London! Everyone should do it once in their life.
What did you enjoy most about your degree programme?
My final year was my favorite. The lecture topics were so varied and interesting and I loved carrying out my own research project. It was really tough but amazing to use all the skills learnt over the course and find some of your own significant results!
Did you experience any benefits from undertaking your studies in London?
London is a great city to live, it's so lively there's always something to do!
Do you have any tips or helpful advice for incoming students?
If it's your first time away from home it can be daunting, but everyone's in the same boat. As well as studying don't forget to get involved and enjoy yourself - University is about more than an education!
How did you get to where you are now in your career? Was there anything that particularly helped?
Following on from my degree I pursued a career in research. It was really useful to have a background and understanding of statistics and analysis. After a year working as an Account Executive I progressed to Account Manager.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love building relationships with clients and providing insights to help them shape their business decisions.
What does it take to do your job well (strengths, skills etc.)?
Analysis skills, Presentation skills, Communication skills