The British companies that made money from slavery – and its abolition
18 June 2020
Read: Telegraph (£), More: Telegraph (£) (2), Telegraph (£) (3), Times (£), BBC News, Guardian, ITV News, Mail Online, Evening Standard, Metro, ThisIsMoney, Independent, Huffington Post, City A.M., Telegraph (£) (4), Telegraph (£) (5), Telegraph (£) (6), Independent (£) (2), BBC News (2), Evening Standard (2), Guardian (2), Guardian (3), Guardian (4), Yahoo! News, Yahoo! News (2), Mail Online (2) , Washington Post (£), Times (£), FT (£), City A.M. (2), ABC News,, ThisIsMoney (2), i News, New York Times (£), Evening Express, Sun, AOL News, MSN News, Sky News, FT (2) (£), i News (2), Telegraph (£) (7), Telegraph (£) (8), Independent (3), Guardian (5), Mail Online (3), Australian (£), Mail Online (4), Australian (£) (2), Mail Online (5), Times (£) (3), Guardian (5), Bloomberg, Telegraph (£) (9), Gulf Times, France 24 News, MSN News (2) , Yahoo! News (3), Wall Street Journal (£), Listen: LBC’s ‘Shelagh Fogarty Show’ (from 2 hrs 49 mins 28 secs), More: LBC’s ‘Chris Gold’s Show’ (from 56 mins 28 secs), BBC Radio 4’s ‘Today Programme’ (from 2 hrs 6 mins 44 secs), FT (£) (3), Independent