Horizon Europe UK funding guarantee extended
16 March 2022
The government has this week announced an extension to the financial safety net for UK-based applicants to the EU's Horizon Europe programme.
The government has this week announced an extension to the financial safety net for UK-based applicants to the EU's Horizon Europe programme, now covering awards expected to be signed by the end of December 2022. This ensures that eligible UCL applicants for Horizon Europe awards will continue to be guaranteed funding for successful proposals in which UCL is a beneficiary.
UCL continues to be competitive in Horizon Europe, with over 320 proposals submitted in 2021 and 29 selected for funding to date. UCL researchers are therefore strongly encouraged to target suitable upcoming Horizon Europe calls for proposals. Further information and proposal support services are available from Research Services' European Research & Innovation Office unit within Research & Innovation Services. Detailed information about the financial safety net is also available directly from UK Research & Innovation.