
UCL News


A message to UCL students from UCL and Students' Union UCL

26 October 2020

An interim update about teaching arrangements for Terms 2 and 3, from Professor Anthony Smith (Vice Provost, Education & Student Affairs) and officers from Students' Union UCL.

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Dear Students,

We hope that you have enjoyed the start of term.

We know that many of you need to know quickly what UCL’s plans are for the rest of this academic year (ie Terms Two and Three), so that you can plan your study, accommodation and travel arrangements over the next few months.

Cases of coronavirus have remained relatively low among staff and students and we are confident that our campus, teaching spaces and facilities are safe.  Of course, we are closely tracking the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact both on our community and on London more broadly.

It is likely that teaching in Terms Two and Three will be similar to Term One: all core teaching and assessment online, a limited amount of educational activity on campus, and alternative activity for students not on campus. Our libraries and study spaces will remain open, subject to UK government guidance and social distancing requirements.

UCL is working closely with the Students’ Union and our public health and medical experts to agree our approach to Term Two and Term Three, including laboratory and studio activity and clinical programmes. An announcement will be made in the second week of November, when this has been confirmed through UCL’s formal procedures.

Your lecturers and support staff are doing all they can to provide a rich academic experience for you and we hope that you are getting involved with the clubs and societies, careers, enterprise, volunteering and other skills development opportunities and events. The coronavirus pandemic may be affecting your education in ways that you perhaps had not anticipated and your department will be happy to talk to you about your studies and to help you work through some of these challenges.

Wherever you are reading this message, we hope that you, your families and friends are safe and well.  

Best wishes,

Professor Anthony Smith
Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs)

Ayman Benmati
Education Officer, Students’ Union UCL

Jim Onyemenam
Postgraduate Students Officer, Students’ Union UCL