
UCL News


Supporting UCL’s undergraduate students during the pandemic: 2020/21 Additional Support Bursary

29 June 2020

Supporting UCL’s undergraduate students during the pandemic: 2020/21 Additional Support Bursary.

UCL students

To support these students in their studies with us, UCL is increasing the amount of money available as part of our Undergraduate Bursary for the academic year 2020/21. 

This means that eligible current students, as well as eligible new students joining us for the new academic year, will receive an uplift in the level of funding to support their studies during the 2020/21 academic year. 

The Undergraduate Bursary is offered to UK/EU students from lower income households. Students do not need to do anything or submit any extra applications to receive the bursary – it is automatically assigned based on information provided by regional funding authorities and the Student Loans Company.  
For 20/21 entrants:

  • students with a household income of up to £16,000 will have their bursary amount increased from £2,500 to £3,350
  • those with a household income of more than £16,000 and less than or equal to £25,000 will have their bursary amount increased from £1,500 to £2,150
  • those with a household income of up to £25,000 and less than or equal to £37,000 will have their bursary amount increased from £1,000 to £1,500
  • those with a household income of up £37,000 and less than or equal to £42,875 will have their bursary amount increased from £500 to £800

These new bursary rates will also apply to all current students who joined UCL from 2017/18 onwards. Current students who started at UCL prior to 2017/18 will receive a different overall rate of bursary, but the uplift amount will be the same for all students e.g. £850 uplift for students in band 1.

For more information about the bursary scheme, please visit the UCL scholarships and funding webpages.