
UCL News


Graduation 2020: staff helpers needed!

13 February 2020

To help make graduation a spectacular success we’re looking for helpers to come and join in the fun at the Royal Festival Hall.

UCL Graduation

Graduation is a really special period in the UCL calendar and a great event to be a part of. It’s a chance to celebrate, with our students, their hard work and their achievements. Our superb volunteers really are instrumental in making these events a success.

There will be a range of roles available which will be automatically assigned by the team. These roles include:

  • Welcome ushers: welcoming students and/or guests when they arrive
  • Registration desk: registering students as they arrive
  • Query desk: managing queries from students and/or guests
  • Crowd/directional: assisting students and/or guests with any queries they have

If you’d like to join in, please complete our Doodle poll to let us know your availability. We ask that you please complete this by Friday 3 April 2020. After this deadline, we will assign shifts based on availability and send you a calendar invite for these shifts.

If you have any queries, please contact ceremonies@ucl.ac.uk.