Advancing Outcomes on Race Equality: Invite to Participate
17 October 2019
UCL is currently in the process of renewing its Race Equality Charter and we would like members of our community to fully participate in helping to shape and inform this institutional initiative.
You are warmly encouraged to submit ideas and recommendations for future actions and priorities by filling out a short survey, via the Consultation on UCL's Race Equality Action Plan.
The first event for staff and students, named “Is race equality real at UCL?”, is taking place on 21 October, 4.30-6.30pm. Please register to attend.
Why does UCL participate in the Race Equality Charter?
The Race Equality Charter enables UCL to undertake a data-driven, evidence-based approach to understanding and responding to the barriers that BAME students and staff face within our institution. An evaluation of the Race Equality Charter by UCU found that it has had a positive impact on participating institutions by, amongst other benefits, helping to address the ‘fear of race’ in higher education. It is important to state that a Race Equality Charter award is not a ‘trophy’ for the institution and is instead recognition of the commitment to have difficult conversations, undertake self-critical reflection and take meaningful action underpinned with appropriate resourcing.
What has been achieved since UCL last took part?
UCL was last awarded a Bronze award in 2014. Since that time, a number of significant institutional initiatives have been established, but the data and lived experience of our students and staff shows that there is still a great deal for UCL to do. Developments have included:
- Creation of a cross- institutional BME student attainment project with Faculty Attainment Leads and Inclusive Curriculum Health Check
- Establishment of a new Centre for the Study of Race and Racism led by the internationally renowned scholar, Professor Paul Gilroy
- Fulfilment of a series of pledges from the Dean’s to further race equality
- Creation of dedicated PhD scholarships for BAME students
- Creation of an Inclusive Advocates sponsorship programme for BAME staff
- Roll out of a Fair Recruitment Specialist initiative to ensure more representative decision-making in recruitment
- Expansion of B-MEntor, a cross-institutional mentoring scheme for academic and professional services staff
- Launch of a new BAME Leadership programme (2020)
You can help us plan priorities for the next 3 years via the Consultation on UCL's Race Equality Action Plan.
What is the Race Equality Charter?
The Race Equality Charter is a national initiative aimed at improving the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students within higher education. It provides a framework through which institutions work to identify and self-reflect on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of minority ethnic staff and students. Member institutions develop initiatives and solutions for action. The Race Equality Charter is underpinned by five fundamental principles, the first of which is that racial inequalities are a significant issue within higher education. Racial inequalities are not necessarily overt, isolated incidents. Racism is an everyday facet of UK society and racial inequalities manifest themselves in everyday situations, processes and behaviours.
How can I get involved?
You are warmly encouraged to submit ideas and recommendations for future actions and priorities, via the Consultation on UCL's Race Equality Action Plan.
Professor Ijeoma Uchegbu – Provost’s Envoy for Race Equality
Dr Mike Sulu and Ms Marcia Jacks– Co-Chair of UCL’s Race Equality Steering Group
Ms Paulette Williams – Head of Student Success Projects