UCL to support 29 November Global Climate Strike
20 November 2019
Following the previous Global Climate Strike in September, a further global day of action is planned for Friday 29 November, in response to the growing threat of global climate change.

Young people in schools across the world will be participating in a global climate strike, and are inviting adults to join them.
UCL is once again supporting staff choosing to show solidarity with our young people in a planned 30 minute stoppage from 12:30–1pm.
What is UCL doing to address climate change?
So far, we have made significant progress towards becoming more sustainable, from our research into solving global sustainability challenges, to being zero to landfill and achieving an 'Outstanding' BREEAM rating for the new Student Centre. Last month UCL announced it will be divesting from fossil fuels by January and launched an ambitious new Sustainability Strategy – click here to find out more.
How do I participate?
All staff are free to participate, as long as there is no disruption to our students, other colleagues, the general public, or the service your team provides. You may stop work for 30 minutes between 12:30–1pm on 29 November as a symbolic stoppage in support of the global climate strike. The time is to be used to join any local activity/demonstration/event. Alternatively, you could create a peaceful demonstration outside your building: all you would need is some colleagues and a banner or placard. Please ensure that no entrances or exits are blocked.
What if I am busy with essential UCL business?
If you have something important to do at 12:30pm on 29 November, then feel free to show your support earlier or later in the day.
Do I have to participate?
No. It is a personal choice whether to participate in the climate stoppage. But if you choose to do so, then you have the support of UCL.
What if I want to participate for longer than 30 minutes?
UCL is supporting staff to participate in a 30 minute stoppage only. If you wish to join for longer, you will be expected to use your lunch break or request annual leave.
Could I take time on a different day?
No. The stoppage is planned for 29 November. A significant purpose of the event is to show global solidarity by all participating on the same day. If you want to take part, it must be on that day.
Do I need to let my line manager know?
Yes. You and colleagues may need to discuss and agree with your line manager how the service you provide will continue during that half hour. The purpose of the stoppage is to show solidarity, not to disrupt the work of the University. Please plan your work accordingly.
Matthew Blain, Executive Director of UCL Human Resources