Preparing for Service Transformation
7 November 2018
We have developed high-level plans of what we need to do to transform our professional services to make them both effective and efficient. In July, UCL Council approved the investment plan to proceed with the transformation in a staged way.

The Transforming our Professional Services (TOPS) Programme has been running since 2016. Given the unprecedented uncertainties universities now face, having the most effective and efficient professional services has never been more important to help UCL sustain its position as one of the leading universities in the world, and generate funds to invest in its academic mission in the same way as our global competitors are doing. Between 2016 and now we have gained a clear understanding from colleagues of the 'pain points', and where there are duplications and multiple inefficiencies. We have developed high-level plans of what we need to do to transform our professional services to make them both effective and efficient, as summarised on the TOPS website. In July, UCL Council approved the investment plan to proceed with the transformation in a staged way.
Service Transformation will follow the three goals of the TOPS programme:
1. provide more effective services and a more satisfied community
2. provide more fulfilling careers for staff
3. invest more money in UCL's academic mission by improving value for money and efficiency
Service Transformation is starting now. UCL Finance is the first service to be transformed and this project is expected to take 12 months, with the first 3 months focused on design and working with colleagues from across UCL to understand the current vision and agree what the future looks like. Throughout the life of the project you will have opportunities to get involved and share your knowledge and ideas. This is an important opportunity, please do get involved and share your views. If you want to find out more information, please visit the TOPS website.
For Fiona Ryland (Chief Operating Officer, from Jan 2019) Service Transformation means 'creating an environment and culture where staff feel supported by services, and engaged by their team, to deliver excellence. Service Transformation and TOPS more broadly is an amazing opportunity for UCL to think differently and ensure that our people are supported by a positive culture and great customer focused services.'
Further information will be sent during November outlining how you can keep up-to-date with progress and get involved. If you would like to be added to the TOPS Monthly Update distribution list, please email - the TOPS Engagement Director.