
UCL News


UCL Global Experience Bursary - funding for international summer opportunities

22 May 2018

As exams come to an end and you start to think about your plans for the long summer ahead, you might like to consider the UCL Study Abroad Global Experience Bursary which offers financial support to non-finalist undergraduate students who wish to undertake relevant short-term international opportunities over the summer break.

Global Experience Bursary

Since opening in April, over 100 students have been offered funding through the bursary scheme, supporting those undertaking a range of opportunities - from research projects in Germany to summer schools in China. Applications remain open, so if you are thinking about undertaking an international opportunity this summer, please do apply.

Funding will be considered for students wishing to partake in the following activities:

  • International summer schools
  • International language programmes
  • International research projects
  • Other international opportunities that can be linked to an individual's programme of study or career objectives. This can include relevant volunteering opportunities.

More information about the funding opportunity can be found on the UCL Study Abroad website.

Further details, including the link to the online application and the eligibility criteria can be found in the information sheet.

The application deadline is 4pm on 6 July 2018, or at a time when the bursary funding has been exhausted.

If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact the Study Abroad team.