How to ace studying for your exams
24 April 2018
Finding your perfect place to study A new tool within the UCL Go! app is making searching campus for a free desk a thing of the past.
The Library has also added extra space for this exam period, transforming the temporary buildings in the Main and South Quads into study spaces. Working in partnership with the Students' Union, UCL has installed the extra spaces in central positions, available throughout the exam period from 9am - 9pm Monday to Friday. New desks have been brought in for the period and water fountains added. The Library will be managing the spaces to promote the same study experience that can be found in our libraries around campus.
Close to Bloomsbury are the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health Library on Guilford Street (near Russell Square) which has recently undergone a major refurbishment, and the Eastman Dental Library on Gray's Inn Road (near Kings Cross).
Getting help and advice
Got a question about reading lists or referencing? Having trouble with accessing resources? Need to find past exam papers or literature on a particular topic? No problem! Library staff are here to help you at all of our sites
Not sure who your librarian is? Just select your relevant subject area and a photo of your librarian with their contact details will pop up on the right, or you will be guided to one of our specialist libraries. Alternatively - just drop in to a library, send an email or give them a call.
Accessing resources from anywhere
Explore is the Library's search facility for accessing print and electronic materials. You can search for material within a single resource, such as books or journals, as well as across a range of resources simultaneously, and get instant access to the online full-text material we subscribe to. Remember to use databases when it comes to conducting really comprehensive research on a topic.
Talking through what you've learnt
Stepping away from the books and discussing what you've learnt with friends is a great way to check understanding. The Lower Refectory will be open non-stop from Easter and the Library also has a number of rooms for group study, which can be booked online.
Wellbeing and support
Remember that there is support for students throughout their time at UCL and there is always someone to talk to. Check out the support available from Student Services and Wellbeing and the many useful exam tips they have provided.
From 18 April the Students' Union will be transforming the Garden Room in the Wilkins Building into a wellbeing / relaxation area.
By UCL Library Services