UCL awarded first class honours status in 2016 University 'Green' League
24 November 2016
UCL has achieved 29th position (out of 150 institutions) in the

Against other Russell Group Institutions, UCL achieved 6th position (behind Newcastle, LSE, Exeter, Leeds and Bristol).
The League, administered by the student
campaign group, People and Planet, judges Higher Education and Further Education institutions across a
number of categories such as: governance; staffing; strategy and policies; ethical
investment; workers rights; food; engagement.
It also reviews performance based on statistics provided through the Estates Management Record.
UCL has done well in a number of categories and is also picking up points for its performance in areas such as waste management, water management and carbon.
Engagement with students and staff has again performed well and reflects increasing interest and participation from across the UCL community.
There remain areas for further work including ethical investment and workers rights.
The current review of the UCL Sustainability Strategy will also present an opportunity to strengthen our work in certain areas.
Richard Jackson, Director, Sustainability and Safety, UCL Estates