
UCL News


Take part in a Cancer Research UK study

20 January 2016

Researchers from the 

LUSH study facebook.com/lushstudy">London University Study on oral HPV (LUSH) are looking for 2,000+ students aged 18-25 to take part in a study.

You will be required to complete a short survey about your lifestyle and health, and provide an anonymous saliva sample (this should take no longer than 15 minutes) - you will rewarded with a coffee and cake voucher for your time!

Sessions will take place every Monday and Wednesday in January, from 9:30am to 3pm in the North/South Cloisters, Wilkins Building.

There's no need to register beforehand - just turn up.

If you have any questions, contact Dr Karly Louie via k.louie@qmul.ac.uk or on 020 7882 3528.

This study has received ethical approval from the NRES Surrey Ethics Committee, ID number: 15/LO/1421.