
UCL News


Participate in a study examining the epigenetic mechanisms regulating memory storage

10 February 2016

The UCL Clinical Psychopharmacology Unit are recruiting healthy volunteers to take part in a study examining the biological basis of emotional memory with the hope of developing new treatments for anxiety disorders.

Memory Study To do this, we are using a drug called Sodium Valproate, which can increase the expression of genes involved in memory formation and updating.

To take part in the study you must:

  • Be aged between 18-65 and healthy.
  • Be able to attend three testing sessions in UCL.
  • Have normal or corrected-to-normal colour vision.
  • NOT be pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Be willing to take Sodium Valproate or matched placebo as part of the study.

Note that we have other inclusion criteria and you will need to complete a telephone screening to check your eligibility for the study.

Participants will be reimbursed at the rate of £7.50 per hour of their time. Total pay will be £30.

To request an information sheet and volunteer to take part in this study, please email valproatestudy@gmail.com, with the heading 'epigenetics' and provide a contact telephone number so that we can call you to check you are eligible to take part.

Vanessa Hennessy, UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences