E-learning environments: calling all tinkerers
28 February 2013
Have you ever played a Banana Piano? What would you do with a Raspberry Pi? Would you like to experiment with some littleBits? We are looking for another member of UCL staff to join a small experimental group for the summer term.
If you have a playful mindset and enjoy creating things by combining all kinds of materials with technology, this project will be of interest to you.
We are planning fortnightly meet-ups throughout the summer term to share our ideas and learn from each other. Some basic kits, including Raspberry Pi and Makey Makey boards, will be provided to get everyone started.
Programming, soldering and knitting skills are not required to join this project.
What would you create? Please email j.dewitz@ucl.ac.uk with your idea by 15 March. Your project can be functional, artistic or both.
Janina Dewitz, Innovations Officer, E-Learning Environments (ELE), Information Services Division