
UCL News


Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium lectures now online

25 April 2012

As part of the preparations for the Baby Brains Around the World Project the UCL Centre for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (CDCN) are pleased to offer free on-line access to two lectures given by distinguished Professors from the Centre.

  Centre Director, Professor Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, presents the lecture A brief history of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL Institute of Child Health and  Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Professor Jan Atkinson presents The Developing Visual Brain in Babies and Children: prognostic indicators of plasticity and vulnerability.

Watch lectures

Professor Faraneh Vargha-Khadem webpage

Professor Jan Atkinson webpage

UCL Centre for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (CDCN)

3rd Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium