UCL Special Collections: temporary relocation
10 February 2011

UCL Special Collections is relocating to temporary
premises during the summer of 2011.
During this period, services will be affected in the following ways:
- The Reading Room at 140 Hampstead Road will be closed for two days a week from early February to the end of the Spring Term 2011.
- From 28 March 2011 onwards, there will be no access to the Reading Room.
- From March until late September there will be no access to the collections.
Outreach and Public Engagement events and activities will not be affected and
material from the collections will be available for group events and class use
as normal. The Enquiry Service will also continue to operate throughout.
Further details of the temporary facilities and re-opening of the collections
for study will be announced at a later date.
Please watch the Library's web pages for further updates. Access to collections will re-open in temporary facilities in September 2011.
New Hampstead Road Reading Room opening hours Until Friday 25th March 2011
Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 0930am - 1700pm (by appointment only)
Image: Dustjacket from the first edition of George Orwell's 1984 - part of UCL Collection's George Orwell archive