Opticon1826 submissions invited
18 January 2010
The editors of UCL's academic review, Opticon1826, are inviting submissions for publication in the 2010 Spring issue.
Contributions are welcome from all faculties, on any subject and in a variety of formats, including articles, reviews, creative work, as well as responses to previously published material.
All members of UCL - whether undergraduates, postgraduates or staff - can contribute.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 5 March 2010.
The journal's online 'Contributors' section also includes information on the general submission guidelines, style guide, review process, and copyright policy. For any faculty-specific questions, please contact your Faculty Editor.
For general questions or comments, please contact either your Faculty Editor or the Editor-in-chief.
To find out more about Opticon1826, its style guidelines and review process, follow the link at the top of the article.