Chilling phenomenon documented in East London
9 February 2009
UCL Environment Institute
UCL Slade School of Fine Art
UCL artist Martin John Callanan has documented strange alien sights in Victoria Park, East London.
In an email to colleagues and friends, Martin wrote:
"Here is some important news I must share with you.
Late last night I began hearing reports of strange icy objects in a part of east London commonly referred to as Victoria Park. It was too dark to investigate and the park was locked until this morning. At dawn I set out to investigate, having only just returned to my office, this is the first email I write. What I discovered was so strange and unusual the first step was to upload the documentation to my website and contact you as a matter of urgency.
Within what appeared to be a rather contained area of roughly 200 acres coinciding remarkably with the boundary of Victoria Park, I found and recorded more than 300 occurrences of what I refer to as "ice balls". These are roughly spherical objects ranging from ~30cm to more than ~150cm diameter. For now, until more information becomes available to me, I must surmise these 'ice balls' are similar in origin to hail. Perhaps this exaggerated scale is the latest phenomenon associated to our rapidly changing climate."
Martin - a UCL Slade School of Fine Art staff member - has created the mini-project in his role as Artist-in-Residence at the UCL Environment Institute. He explained: "These objects are indeed most unusual and unaccountable; we have, as yet, been unable to explain these unaccustomed icy spheres and demi-spheres."
To find out more and to see the resulting photographs, use the links at the top of this article
Image: A strange icy object in Victoria Park (copyright: the artist)