
UCL News


UCL part of SPACEBRAIN project

23 May 2008


ibn.ucl.ac.uk/" target="_self">UCL Institute of Behavioural Neuroscience
  • UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Three UCL neuroscientists have been awarded 816,000 euros as part of a four-year, 3 million euro collaborative project.

    'SPACEBRAIN: Space coding in hippocampo-entorhinal neuronal assemblies (3,000,000 euros; 2008-2011)' began in March 2008 and brings together computational modelling, spatial behaviour and in-vivo and in-vitro electrophysiology and optical imaging. Professor Neil Burgess, Dr Kate Jeffery and Professor John O'Keefe from UCL are working in collaboration with laboratories in Trondheim, Zurich, Heidelberg and Trieste Universities, the Weizmann Institute (Israel), and Axona (London, ltd).

    To find out more, follow the links at the top of this item.