
UCL News


Executive Dean of UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences appointed

9 November 2007


Richard Catlow ucl.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/academic_pages/richard_catlow" target="_self">Professor Catlow
  • President and Provost's Senior Management Team
  • Professor Richard Catlow (UCL Chemistry) has been appointed Executive Dean of UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences. He succeeds Professor David Price (UCL Earth Sciences), who has become UCL Vice-Provost (Research).

    Professor Catlow is Head of UCL Chemistry, and formerly Wolfson Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Royal Institution and Director of the Davy Faraday Research Laboratory. His work explores the structures, properties and reactivities of complex materials using a combination of computer modelling and experimental techniques.

    He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2004 "for pioneering the development and application of computer modelling techniques in material chemistry".

    In 2005, the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council's review of high-performance computing (HPC) commended his research group: "In the area of HPC simulations of materials and nanoscience, Richard Catlow's group has achieved major progress in studies of heterogeneous catalytic processes. In the course of their development of the most advanced molecular dynamics code, simulations of several million atoms have been carried out - a world record for simulations of materials with charged ions."

    Professor Catlow said: "Being Head of UCL Chemistry for the last five years has been a privilege, particularly seeing the department building its collaborations beyond the field of chemistry. My own published work, for example, has been in physics and earth sciences as well as in chemistry.

    "UCL Mathematical & Physical Sciences is similarly well-positioned - with strengths across the board and an open, interactive culture - to engage further in interdisciplinary collaborations across the faculty, with other UCL faculties and with external partner organisations. As Executive Dean I will be keen, in particular, to build on the potential for problem-solving in collaboration with UCL Biomedical Sciences and UCL Engineering Sciences."

    Executive deans of UCL's eight faculties are appointed by UCL Council and, with the Vice-Provosts, are members of the President and Provost's Senior Management Team.

    To find out more about Professor Catlow or the President and Provost's Senior Management Team, use the links at the top of this article.