
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Professor Bernard Sapoval

Professor Bernard Sapoval graduated from the School of Physics and Chemistry of the City of Paris and joined the Ecole Polytechnique. That time he was interested in the study of magnetic resonance of semicondicteurs.

In 1970 he became Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique and by 1976, the Director of the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics. In 1978 he became the youngest Head of Department of Physics at the Polytechnic.

Since 1970s, he has been heavily interested in fractals and the study ofthe  physical aspects of the coast of Brittany, respiratory physiology and later fractal noise wall. 
In 1997, he published "Universality and Fractals, Playground or insider trading" which makes everyone fractal geometry, which will be prefaced by Benoît Mandelbrot, and which earned him the Award for Scientific Culture in 1998 . In 2003, for the fractal wall, he received the Grand Prize for Innovation. 
Since 1997, he worked at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. He is currently Director Emeritus of Research at CNRS.