
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


New CNIE Paper: Nature-Inspired Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction to C2+ Products

15 November 2023


The journey towards addressing one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, has seen significant milestones achieved by researchers worldwide, although large challenges remain. Seeking inspiration from nature may help to address these issues. In a collaborative effort led by CNIE PhD student Linlin Xu and Dr. Panagiotis Trogadas, under the guidance of Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens, the intersection of nature and CO2 reduction technology has been emphasised to promote the development of electrocatalysis. The review titled “Nature-Inspired Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction to C2+ Products” was published in Advanced Energy Materials.

In this review, recent advances in the nature-inspired design of electrocatalysts for CO2RR to C2+ products are summarised and categorised based on their inspiration source, including the coordination sphere of metalloenzymes and the cascade reactions within the enzyme, as well as the local environment. The importance of understanding the fundamental mechanisms and the different contexts between nature and technological application in the design process is highlighted, with the aim to improve the nature-inspired design of electrocatalysts for CO2RR to C2+ products.

Reference: L. Xu, P. Trogadas, M.-O. Coppens, 2023, Nature-Inspired Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction to C2+ Products, Advanced Energy Materials, DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202302974