
UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Julia Linke attends CARINA (CAtalyst Reducing ImmuNe Ageing) conference

14 July 2022


At the end of June 2022, UCL CNIE PhD student Julia Linke attended the first CARINA conference - CAtalyst Reducing ImmuNe Ageing.

The CARINA network is managed by a leading UCL immunologist, Prof. Arnie Akbar, whose research investigates the immunosenescence of T cells, and the impact of ageing on immunity.

The conference was attended by only one or two representants per research group, thus there was a very large differentiation in the immunology research topics covered, and it included many active discussions and small group exercises.  

Julia is currently a 1st year PhD Student working in the CNIE, in a collaboration between the NICE Group (Chemical Engineering) and UCL’s Division of Medicine. She investigates the manufacturing of T cell therapies, and how nature-inspired engineering may help to make this process more efficient and intensified, for example, by inclusion of more physical stimuli.