Paper co-written by Sasank Bethapudi is published in Energy Conversion and Management
26 June 2020

In collaboration with the Electrochemical Innovation lab CNIE have published a new paper in the reputed Energy Conversion and Management Journal titled Hydration state diagnosis in fractal flow-field based polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells using acoustic emission analysis. Read the paper here.
This paper demonstrates fabrication and testing of a new lung-inspired cathode fractal flow-field configuration (2-way) that has greater contact area, with fractal branched water egress system, compared to the previous one. Also, the paper, for the first time, presents the performance characterisation of lung-inspired flow-fields, under a range of operating conditions, using our recently developed cost effective water management tool acoustic emission as a function of polarisation. Authors of the paper include current CNIE researchers Sasank Bethapudi, Panos Trogadas, Dan Brett & Marc-Olivier Coppens amongst other collaborators. The work was partly supported by EPSRC and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL).