Office: 221

Phone: 02076797655 (ext. 37655)
2000-2003 BA Finance and Economics, National University of Ireland (Maynooth), Ireland
2010-2014 BSc. Analytical Science (First class honours), Dublin City University, Ireland
2015-2020 PhD. Chemical Engineering, University College London.
Role description:
Barry works as research technician providing support to laboratory based researchers. He manages lab safety, lab documentation, new researcher inductions and research instrumentation in the CNIE laboratories.
Barry completed his PhD. in 2020 with the Adaptive and Responsive Nanomaterials group in UCL Chemical Engineering led by Dr. Stefan Guldin. His research was focused on the formation of mesoporous inorganic thin films from block copolymer directed coassembly techniques.
· Butler et al. Interparticle Forces of a Native and Encapsulated Metal-Organic Framework and Their Effects on Colloidal Dispersion. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2021. 13, 38, 45898 – 45906.
· Papatryfonos et al. Refractive indices of MBE-grown Al x Ga (1− x ) As ternary alloys in the transparent wavelength region. AIP Advances. 2021, 11, 025357
· Lokupitaya et al. Pseudocapacitance: Nanostructure Dependence of T-Nb2O5 Intercalation Pseudocapacitance Probed Using Tunable Isomorphic Architectures. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021. 31, 1, 2007826.
· Alvarez-Fernandez et al. Fractionation of block copolymers for pore size control and reduced dispersity in mesoporous inorganic thin films. Nanoscale. 2020. 12, 35, 18455 – 18462.
· Alvarez-Fernandez et al. Structural Characterization of Mesoporous Thin Film Architectures: A Tutorial Overview. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2020. 5195 – 5208.
· Reid et al. Tuning Pore Dimensions of Mesoporous Inorganic Films by Homopolymer Swelling. Langmuir. 2019. 35, 43, 14074 – 14082.
· Reid et al. Photocatalytic Template Removal by Non-Ozone-Generating UV Irradiation for the Fabrication of Well-Defined Mesoporous Inorganic Coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019. 11, 21, 19308 – 19314.
· Reid et al. Robust Operation of Mesoporous Antireflective Coatings under Variable Ambient Conditions. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2018, 10, 12, 10315-10321
· Lokupitiya et al. Ordered Mesoporous to Macroporous Oxides with Tunable Isomorphic Architectures – Solution Criteria for Persistent Micelle Templates. Chemistry of Materials. 2016, 28, 6, 1653-1667
· Murphy et al. The occurrence of PAHs and faecal sterols in Dublin Bay and their influence on sedimentary microbial communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2016, 106, 1-2, 215-224
· Manser et al. Evolution of Organic–Inorganic Lead Halide Perovskite from Solid-State Iodoplumbate Complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2015, 119, 30, 17065-17073