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Dr Steven Wong
Experimental Officer

Proteomics is functional genomics at the protein level – that is, the study of protein properties (such as expression level, post-translational modification, interactions, etc.) on a global scale to obtain a integrated view of disease processes, cellular processes and networks at the protein level. Originally part of the Third Generation Proteomics (3GP) Programme, my research aims to develop and advance our mass spectrometric capabilities for the characterisation of intact proteins and protein/protein complexes, and the identifiability of post-translational modifications and protein/protein interactions. Core to this is the application of a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) Mass Spectrometer . This instrument offers mass resolving powers and mass accuracy orders of magnitude better than conventional mass spectrometers. It also allows molecular ions (proteins and peptides, in the context of the 3GP programme), to be selectively trapped and manipulated over extended periods allowing both time and energy resolved gas-phase reactions to be employed.

My doctoral work was mainly focused on investigation of nanostructures My role within the research group centres on the development of experimental methods and the provision of access to a range of techniques and experimental configurations for projects requiring the specific capabilities of the FT-ICR mass spectrometer. The scope of my work ranges from metabolites and small pharmaceutical compounds to intact proteins and post-translational modifications. Collaborations benefitting from FT-ICR MS include the Bioanalytical Sciences Group, the Leukaemia Research Fund, and Jane Thomas-Oates Mass Spectrometry Group at the University of York .

tel:        +44 (0)161 306 4821
fax:       +44 (0)161 306 4421