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3.2 Virtual exhibitions


Dr Margaret Serpico

Curator of virtual exhibitions and resources, UCL Petrie Museum

I have been a part of the Petrie research team working to develop 3D laser scanning technology and practice in museums for over 5 years. I hold a PhD in Egyptian Archaeology and have spent many years researching the Petrie collection at UCL and Petrie material in other museum across the UK. As archaeological research relies on the ability to examine the fine details of an artefact, I have used my knowledge of the needs of archaeologists and academics in the field to identify refinements to 3D scanning technology that have led to more accurate texture, hue and colour quality in 3D digital replicas.

As a curator, I am excited about the opportunities 3D present for developing exhibitions. I work closely with our software developer to understand how new digital technologies can be combined with our 3D resources to create new levels of engagement with the collection presented in exhibitions. The key is to understand how technology can enhance the stories we seek to tell with objects; provide new avenues for learning about; and provide platforms for engagement and interaction. I curated the exhibition '3D Encounters: Where Science Meets Heritage' with these ideas in mind.

Multimedia highlight

Introductory screen to '3D Encounters: Where Science meets Heritage' exhibition.

3D digital models of objects at the UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. Film and App by Giancarlo Amati.

Case studies