
Lone Star Ltd.


Why 'made in England' ?

Your name: 
Muki Haklay

One of the intriguing aspects of this toy is that it is clearly an American model, but it is stamped with ‘Made in England’ and ended in a London’s Hospital.

CT scan of the car


On Friday morning Professor Robert Spiller and researcher Jenny Griffiths took the car into the department of medical physics and bioengineering for it to be CT scanned.

Bacteria on containing oil spills

Your name: 
Pornteera Pawijit

There is so many ways that biotechnology is applied in everyday life. One of the ways in helping to solve environmental problems.

Scale drawing of the toy car


A scan of a 1:1 scale drawing of the object, showing plan view and side elevations.

Blackberries and Petrol

Your name: 
Victoria Weaver

Petrol in Britain used to contain high levels of lead. The exhaust fumes therefore also contained high levels of lead.

Ford Sunliner in films and TV


A list of all appearances of the Ford Sunliner in film and TV.
(Images show films in alphabetical order)

History of TootsieToys


TootsieToy is a manufacturer of die cast toy cars and other toy vehicles.

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