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Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom

The chisels were held in the hand and struck with a wooden mallet. The following chisels must have had different functions, such as wood or stone working tools. There are two main types used for dressing stone. The flat mortise chisel was for cutting into a surface, while the round bar chisel was for flattening the surface.

copper alloy
copper alloy, flat mortise chisel
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 69
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 47
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 44
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 71
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 72

Middle Kingdom (about 2025-1700 BC)

from Lahun
round bar chisel

New Kingdom (about 1550-1069 BC)

from Lahun (Amenhotep III)
flat mortise chisel
Petrie 1917: pl. XXII, no. 86
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 72
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 77
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 82
Petrie 1917: 20, pl. XXII, no. 85
from Amarna or Gurob
Petrie 1917: pl. XXII, no. 67
Petrie1917: pl. XXII, no. 59



Petrie 1917: pl. LXV, no. 60


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