Theban Tombs
A list of the tombs and tomb-chapels allotted numbers
At Thebes, the rock-cut tombs contain wall-paintings that rank among the finest products of ancient Egyptian art. Many of these have suffered extensive damage since the 1820s, when they first began to be brought to light. Over four hundred tombs and tomb-chapels have been allotted numbers for ease of reference and control, in the modern uncovery and administration of this priceless heritage. Most are painted chapels at ground level, where family and participants in the cult of the dead would gather, mainly at festivals. A smaller number are painted underground chambers for the burial. The great majority date to the New Kingdom.
The following list is drawn from Manniche 1987, and follows the numerical sequence of the modern administration of this archaeological area.
The tombs fall into the following broad periods:
11. Djehuty, overseer of the treasury, mid Dynasty 18
12. Hery overseer of the granary of the king's wife and king's mother Ahhotep, early Dynasty 18
13. Shury, head of bearers of altars of Amun, Ramesside
14. Huy, pure-priest of Amenhotep, Ramesside
15. Tetiky, king's son, mayor in the Southern City, early Dynasty 18
16. Panehesy, priest of Amenhotep, Ramesside
17. Nebamun, scribe and doctor of the king, mid Dynasty 18
18. Baki, Amun treasury official, mid Dynasty 18
19. Amenmose, high priest of Amenhotep, Ramesside
20. Mentuherkhepshef, mayor of Qusiya, mid Dynasty 18
21. User, steward of king Thutmose I, mid Dynasty 18
22. Wah, cupbearer of the king, mid Dynasty 18
23. Tjay, secretary of the king for royal correspondence, Ramesside
24. Nebamun, steward of the king's wife Nebtu, mid Dynasty 18
25. Amenemheb, high priest of Khons, Ramesside
26. Khnumemheb, overseer of the treasury of the Ramesseum, Ramesside
27. Sheshonq, high steward of the high priestess of Amun, Late Period temple-tomb
28. Hori, Amun temple official, Ramesside
29. Amenemipet Pairy, mayor of Thebes, mid Dynasty 18
30. Khonsmose, Amun treasury official, Ramesside
31. Khons Ta, high priest of king Thutmose III, Ramesside
32. Thutmose, Amun temple high steward, Ramesside
33. Padiamenipet, chief lector priest, Late Period temple-tomb
34. Montemhat, mayor of Thebes, Late Period temple-tomb
35. Bakenkhons, high priest of Amun, Ramesside
36. Ibi, high steward of the high priestess of Amun, Late Period temple-tomb
37. Harwa, high steward of the high priestess of Amun, Late Period temple-tomb
38. Djeserkaraseneb, Amun granary official, mid Dynasty 18
39. Puyemra, second priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
40. Amenhotep Huy, king's son of Kush, late Dynasty 18
41. Amenemipet Ipy, Amun temple high steward, Ramesside
42. Amenmose, captain of troops, mid Dynasty 18
43. Neferrenpet, overseer of stores of Pharaoh, mid Dynasty 18
44. Amenemheb, pure-priest in front of Amun, Ramesside
45. Djehuty, steward of high priest of Amun Mery, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Djehutyemheb, head of fine linen production of Amun temple, Ramesside
46. Ramose, high official for granaries, late Dynasty 18
47. Userhat, overseer of private rooms of the king, late Dynasty 18
48. Amenemhat Surer, high steward, late Dynasty 18
49. Neferhotep, chief scribe of Amun, late Dynasty 18
50. Neferhotep, priest ('god's father') of Amun-Ra, late Dynasty 18
51. Userhat Neferhebef, high priest of king's spirit for king Thutmose I, Ramesside
52. Nakht, astronomer of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
53. Amenemhat, Amun temple administrator , mid Dynasty 18
54. Huy, Amun temple sculptor, mid Dynasty 18: tomb taken over later by Kener, Khons temple head of stores, Ramesside
55. Ramose, vizier, late Dynasty 18
56. Userhat, child of the inner palace (military?), mid Dynasty 18
57. Khamhat Meh, high official for granaries, late Dynasty 18
58. original owner name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Ameneminet, temple scribe, Ramesside
59. Qen, high priest of Mut lady of Asheru, early Dynasty 18
60. Senet, mother of vizier Intefiqer, early Dynasty 12
61. User, vizier, mid Dynasty 18
62. Amenemweskhet, palace official, mid Dynasty 18
63. Sobekhotep, mayor of Fayum, mid Dynasty 18
64. Heqaerneheh, nurse of the king's son Amenhotep, mid Dynasty 18
65. Nebamun, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Imyseba, overseer of temple scribes in Amun domain, Ramesside
66. Hepu, vizier, mid Dynasty 18
67. Hepuseneb, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
68. [Per?]-enkhnum, priest of Amun and Mut, Ramesside; tomb taken over later by Nespaneferher, overseer of temple scribes in Amun domain
69. Menena, scribe of fields of Pharaoh, mid Dynasty 18
70. original owner name unknown; tomb taken over later by Amenmes, overseer of sandal-makers (?) in Amun domain, Dynasty 21
71. Senenmut, high steward, mid Dynasty 18
72. Ra, high priest of Amun in temple for cult of king Thutmose III, mid Dynasty 18
73. Amenhotep, overseer of works, high steward, mid Dynasty 18
74. Tjenuny, general, mid Dynasty 18
75. Amenhotep Sise, second priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
76. Tjenuna, fan-bearer on the right of the king, mid Dynasty 18
77. Ptahemhat, overseer of works in the Amun domain, mid Dynasty 18
78. Horemheb, scribe of recruits, mid Dynasty 18
79. Menkheperraseneb, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18
80. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury, mid Dynasty 18
81. Ineni, overseer of the granary in the Amun domain, mid Dynasty 18
82. Amenemhat, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
83. Aamtju Ahmose, vizier, mid Dynasty 18
84. Iamunedjeh, first herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
85. Amenemheb Meh, commander of soldiers, mid Dynasty 18
86. Menkheperraseneb, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
87. Minnakht, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18
88. Pehsukher Tjenenu, standard-bearer of Pharaoh, mid Dynasty 18
89. Amenmose, steward in the Southern City, late Dynasty 18
90. Nebamun, captain of troops of police on the west of Thebes, mid Dynasty 18
91. name unknown, captain of troops, overseer of cavalry, mid Dynasty 18
92. Suemniut, cupbearer of the king, mid Dynasty 18
93. Qenamun, high steward, mid Dynasty 18
94. Ramose Amy, first herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
95. Mery, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
96. Sennefer, mayor of Thebes, mid Dynasty 18
97. Amenemhat, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
98. Kaemheribsen, third priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
99. Sennefer, treasurer, mid Dynasty 18
100. Rekhmira, vizier, mid Dynasty 18
101. Tjener, cupbearer of the king, mid Dynasty 18
102. Imhotep, child of the palace, late Dynasty 18
103. Dagi, vizier, late Dynasty 11
104. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury, mid Dynasty 18
105. Khamipet, priest of the noble standard of Amun, Ramesside
106. Paser, vizier, Ramesside
107. Nefersekheru, steward of the estate of Amenhotep III 'Ra glistens', late Dynasty 18
108. Nebseny, high priest of Inheret, mid Dynasty 18
109. Min, mayor of Tjeny (Thinis), mid Dynasty 18
110. Djehuty, cupbearer of the king, herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
111. Amunwahsu, scribe of god's writings in the Amun domain, Ramesside
112. Menkheperraseneb, high priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Aashefytemwaset, priest of Amun-aashefyt, Ramesside
113. Kynebu, priest in temple for king Thutmose IV, Ramesside
114. name unknown, head goldsmith in the Amun domain, Ramesside
115. name unknown, Ramesside
116. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
117. name unknown, Dynasty 11; tomb taken over later by Djedmutiufankh, draughtsman of Mansion of Gold, Third Intermediate Period
118. Amenmose, fanbearer on the right of the king, late Dynasty 18
119. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
120. Aanen, second priest of Amun, late Dynasty 18
121. Ahmose, first lector-priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
122. Amenhotep and Amenemhat, overseers of the production area of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
123. Amenemhat, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18
124. Ry, overseer of the storerooms of Pharaoh, mid Dynasty 18
125. Duaerneheh, first herald, mid Dynasty 18
126. Hormose, commander-in-chief of troops of the Amun domain, Late Period (?)
127. Senemiah, overseer of produce, mid Dynasty 18 (?); tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period
128. Patjenf, mayor of Edfu and Thebes, Late Period
129. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
130. May, harbour master in Thebes, mid Dynasty 18
131. User/Useramen, vizier, mid Dynasty 18
132. Ramose, overseer of the treasuries of Taharqo, Dynasty 25
133. Neferrenpet, head weaver in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
134. Tjaunany Any, priest of king Amenhotep, Ramesside Period
135. Bakenamun, pure-priest at the fore of Amun, Ramesside Period
136. name unknown, official of the king, Ramesside Period
137. Mose, head of works of Pharaoh in every monument of Amun, Ramesside Period
138. Nedjemger, overseer of the garden in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
139. Pairy, pure-priest at the fore of Amun, late Dynasty 18
140. Neferrenpet Kefia (?), goldworker, mid Dynasty 18
141. Bakenkhons, pure-priest at the fore of Amun, Ramesside
142. Samut, overseer of works of Amun-Ra in Karnak, mid Dynasty 18
143. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
144. Nu, overseer of estate labour, mid Dynasty 18
145. Nebamun, head of archery, Dynasty 18
146. Nebamun, overseer of the granary of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
147. name unknown, a priest of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
148. Amenemipet, priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
149. Amenmose, overseer of hunters of Amun, Ramesside Period
150. Userhat, overseer of cattle of Amun, late Dynasty 18
151. Hety, overseer of estates of the god's wife of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
152. name unknown, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later, in Ramesside Period (?)
153. name unknown, Ramesside Period
154. Tati, cupbearer, mid Dynasty 18
155. Intef, great herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
156. Pennesuttawy, captain of troops, Ramesside Period
157. Nebwenenef, high priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
158. Tjanefer, third priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
159. Rya, fourth priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
160. Besenmut, true king's acquaintance, Late Period
161. Nakht, bearer of floral offerings of Amun, late Dynasty 18
162. Qenamun, mayor of Thebes, mid Dynasty 18
163. Amenemhat, mayor of Thebes, Ramesside Period
164. Intef, scribe of recruits, mid Dynasty 18
165. Nehemaway, goldsmith, mid Dynasty 18
166. Ramose, overseer of works in Karnak, Ramesside Period
167. name unknown, Dynasty 18
168. Any, priest, Ramesside Period
169. Senena, head goldsmith of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
170. Nebmehyt, scribe of recruits of the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
171. name unknown, Dynasty 18
172. Mentiywy, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
173. Khay, scribe of divine offerings of the gods of Thebes, Ramesside Period
174. Ashaikhet, priest at the fore of Mut, Ramesside Period
175. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
176. Userhat, servant of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
177. Amenemipet, scribe of Truth in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
178. Neferrenpet Kener, scribe of the treasury in the Amun-Ra domain, Ramesside Period
179. Nebamun, accountant of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
180. name unknown, Ramesside Period
181. Nebamun, head sculptor of Pharaoh, and Ipuky, sculptor of Pharaoh, late Dynasty 18
182. Amenemhat, scribe of the mat, mid Dynasty 18
183. Nebsumenu, overseer of the estate in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
184. Nefermenu, mayor of Thebes, Ramesside Period
185. Seniqer, treasurer of the god, First Intermediate Period
186. Ihy, governor, First Intermediate Period
187. Pakhyhat, priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
188. Parennefer, cupbearer of the king, late Dynasty 18
189. Nakhtdjehuty, overseer of carpenters, head goldsmith, in the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
190. Nesbanebdjed, priest at the fore of the king, Late Period
191. Wahibranebpehty, director of the festival, Late Period
192. Kheref Senaa, overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king Tiy, late Dynasty 18
193. Ptahemheb, official of the seal in the treasury of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
194. Thutemheb, overseer of marshland-dwellers in the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
195. Bakenamun, scribe of the treasure of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
196. Padihorresnet, high steward of Amun, Late Period
197. Padineit, high steward of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibra, Late Period
198. Riya, head of production-area in Karnak, Ramesside Period
199. Amenirneferu, overseer of the store-rooms, Dynasty 18
200. Dedi, captain of the troops of Pharaoh, mid Dynasty 18
201. Ra, first herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
202. Nakhtamun, priest at the fore of Amun, Ramesside Period
203. Wennefer, priest of Mut, Ramesside Period
204. Nebanensu, captain of the high priest of Amun, Dynasty 18
205. Thutmose, cupbearer of the king, mid Dynasty 18
206. Inpumheb, scribe of the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
207. Horemheb, scribe of divine offerings of Amun, Ramesside Period
208. Rema, priest of Amun-Ra, Ramesside Period
209. Seremhatrekhyt, court official, Late Period
210. Raweben, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
211. Paneb, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
212. Ramose, scribe of the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
213. Penamun, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
214. Khawi, guard in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
215. Amenemipet, scribe of the king in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
216. Neferhotep, foreman, Ramesside Period
217. Ipuy, sculptor, Ramesside Period
218. Amennakht, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
219. Nebenmaat, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
220. Khamteri, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
221. Hormin, scribe of troops in the palace of the king on the West of Thebes, Ramesside Period
222. Heqamaatranakht Ture, high priest of Mont, Ramesside Period
223. Karakhamun, first priest with entry, Late Period
224. Ahmose Humay, overseer of the estate of the god's wife, mid Dynasty 18
225. name unknown, high priest of Hathor, mid Dynasty 18
226. Heqareshu, overseer of nurses of the king, late Dynasty 18
227. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
228. Amenmose, scribe of the Amun treasury, Dynasty 18
229. name unknown, Dynasty 18
230. Men (?), scribe of troops of Pharaoh, Dynasty 18
231. Nebamun, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
232. Tjerwes, scribe of the divine seal of the Amun treasury, Ramesside Period
233. Sary, scribe of the crew of the king, Ramesside Period
234. Ry, mayor, Dynasty 18 (?)
235. Userhat, high priest of Mont, Ramesside Period
236. Hornakht, second priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
237. Wennefer, chief lector-priest, Ramesside Period
238. Neferweben, cupbearer of the king, Dynasty 18
239. Penhat, overseer for all northern lands, mid Dynasty 18
240. Meru, overseer of sealers, Dynasty 11
241. Ahmose, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
242. Wahibra, official of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibra, Late Period
243. Pamu, mayor of Thebes, Late Period
244. Pakharu, overseer of carpenters of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
245. Hori, overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king, Dynasty 18
246. Senenra, head of estate-workers of Amun, Dynasty 18
247. Samut, accountant of cattle of Amun, Dynasty 18
248. Thutmose, supplier of offerings of Thutmose III, mid Dynasty 18
249. Neferrenpet, supplier of dates/cakesin the temple of Amenhotep III, mid Dynasty 18
250. Ramose, scribe of the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
251. Amenmose, overseer of cattle of Amun, overseer of production-area of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
252. Senimen, estate overseer, nurse of the god's wife, mid Dynasty 18
253. Khnummose, accountant of grain in the granary of Amun, late Dynasty 18
254. Mose, treasury scribe, keeper of the estate of queen Tiy in the Amun domain, late Dynasty 18
255. Ry, estate overseer in estates of Horemheb and Amun, late Dynasty 18
256. Nebenkemet, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
257. Neferhotep, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Meh, deputy in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
258. Menkheper, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
259. head of draughtsmen in the Gold House of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
260. User, overseer of fields of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
261. Khamwaset, pure-priest of king Amenhotep I, Dynasty 18
262. name unknown, overseer of fields, mid Dynasty 18
263. Piay, granary scribe in the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
264. Ipiy, overseer of cattle, Ramesside Period
265. Amenemipet, scribe of the king in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
267. Hay, officer of workmen in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
268. Nebnakht, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
269. name unknown, Ramesside Period
270. Amenemwia, pure-priest and lector-priest of Ptah-Sokar, Ramesside Period
271. Nay, scribe of the king, late Dynasty 18
272. Khamipet, priest of Amun in the west, lector-priest of the Sokar temple, Ramesside Period
273. Sayemitef, scribe in the estate of his lord, Ramesside Period
274. Amenwahsu, high priest of Mont of Tod and Thebes, sem-priest in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
275. Soebkemose, priest in the temples of king Amenhotep III and Sokar, Ramesside Period
276. Amenemipet, overseer of the treasury, mid Dynasty 18
277. Ameneminet, priest of the temple of king Amenhotep III, Ramesside Period
278. Amenemheb, herdsman of Amun-Ra, Ramesside Period
279. Pabes, high steward of the god's wife, Late Period
280. Meketra, treasurer, early Middle Kingdom
281. number allotted to the unfinished temple for cult of an unknown early Middle Kingdom king
282. Nakht, head archer, Ramesside Period
283. Rema, high priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
284. Pahemnetjer, scribe of offerings of all gods, Ramesside Period
285. Iny, head of the production-area of Mut, Ramesside Period
286. Niay, scribe of the table, Ramesside Period
287. Pendua, pure-priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
288. Bakenkhons, scribe of god's books of Khons, Ramesside Period
289. Setau, viceroy of Kush, Ramesside Period
290. Irynefer, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
291. Nu, servant in the Great Place, and Nakhtmin, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
292. Pashedu, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
293. Ramessesnakht, high priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
294. Amenhotep, overseer of the granary of Amun, late Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Rema, pure-priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
295. Thutmose Pary, embalmer, late Dynasty 18
296. Nefersekheru, scribe of divine offerings of all gods, Ramesside Period
297. Amenemipet Tjanefer, accountant of grain of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
298. Baki, foreman in the Place of Truth, and Wennefer, servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
299. Inherkhau, foreman of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
300. Anhetep, viceroy of Kush, Ramesside Period
301. Hori, scribe of crew of Pharaoh in the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
302. Paramheb, overseer of the production-area, Ramesside Period
303. Paser, head of the production-area of Amun, Ramesside Period
304. scribe of the offering-table of Amun, Ramesside Period
305. Paser, pure-priest at the fore of Amun, Ramesside Period
306. Irdjenen, door-opener of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
307. Tjanefer, Ramesside Period or Dynasty 21
308. Kemsit, sole adornment of the king, Dynasty 11
309. name unknown, Ramesside Period
310. name unknown, official, Dynasty 11
311. Khety, treasurer, Dynasty 11
312. Nespaqashuty, vizier, Late Period
313. Henenu, high steward, Dynasty 11
314. Horhotep, (royal) guard, Dynasty 11
315. Ipi, vizier, Dynasty 11
316. Neferhotep, head archer, early Middle Kingdom
317. Thutnefer, accountant of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
318. Amenmose, necropolis-worker of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
319. Neferu, king's daughter, and Iah, king's wife, Dynasty 11
320. Inhapy, early Dynasty 18, tomb used in Dynasty 21 to rebury bodies from tombs of kings and their families
321. Khamipet, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
322. Penmenab, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
323. Pashedu, draughtsman in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
324. Hatiay, high priest of Sobek, scribe of the Mont temple, Ramesside Period
325. Smen (?), Dynasty 18
326. Pashedu, foreman, Ramesside Period
327. Terebay, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
328. Hay, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
329. Mose, Mesi, and Ipy, servants in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
330. Ker, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
331. Penniut Suner, high priest of Mont, Ramesside Period
332. Penrenenutet, head guard of the granary of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
333. name unknown, late Dynasty 18
334. name unknown, late Dynasty 18
335. Nakhtamun, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
336. Neferrenpet, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
337. Qen, chiseller in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
338. May, draughtsman of Amun, late Dynasty 18
339. Huy and Pashedu, servants in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
340. Amenemhat, servant in the Place of Truth, mid Dynasty 18
341. Nakhtamun, head of the altar in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
342. Thutmose, herald of the king, mid Dynasty 18
343. Benia Paheqamen, overseer of works, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
344. Piay, overseer of herds of Amun-Ra in Thebes, Ramesside Period
345. Amenhotep, pure-priest, eldest king's son of Thutmose I, mid Dynasty 18
346. Amenhotep, overseer of the women of the inner palace quarters for the god's priestess Tentipet, Ramesside Period
347. Hori, scribe of the district, Ramesside Period
348. name unknown, high steward, Dynasty 18; tomb taken over later by Naatmutnakht, door-opener of the Gold House of Amun, Third Intermediate Period
349. Tjay, overseer of fowl-pens, mid Dynasty 18
350. name unknown, accountant of bread, Dynasty 18
351. Abau, scribe of cavalry, Ramesside Period
352. name unknown, overseer of the granary of Amun, Ramesside Period
353. Senenmut, high steward, mid Dynasty 18
354. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
355. Amunpahapy, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
356. Amenemwia, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
357. Thuthermeketef, servant in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
358. Ahmose Merytamun, king's wife of Amenhotep II, mid Dynasty 18
359. Inherkhau, foreman in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
360. Qeh, foreman in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
361. Huy, main carpenter in the Place of Truth, Ramesside Period
362. Paanemwaset, pure-pirest of Amun, Ramesside Period
363. Paramheb, overseer of singers of Amun, Ramesside Period
364. Amenemheb, scribe of the granary of Amun, Ramesside Period
365. Nefermenu, overseer of wig-makers of Amun in Karnak, mid Dynasty 18
366. Djar, king's guard of the inner palace, Dynasty 11
367. Paser, head archer, child of the inner palace, mid Dynasty 18
368. Amenhotep Huy, overseer of sculptors of Amun in Thebes, late Dynasty 18
369. Kamwaset, high priest of Ptah, third priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
370. name unknown, king's scribe, Ramesside Period
371. name unknown, Ramesside Period
372. Amenkhau, overseer of carpenters of the temple of king Ramesses III, Ramesside Period
373. Amenmessu, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, Ramesside Period
374. Amenemipet, treasury scribe in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
375. name unknown, Ramesside Period
376. name unknown, Ramesside Period
377. name unknown, Ramesside Period
378. name unknown, Ramesside Period
379. name unknown, Ramesside Period
380. Ankhefenrahorakhty, Ptolemaic Period
381. name unknown, Ramesside Period
382. Usermont, overseer of the treasury, Ramesside Period
383. Merymose, viceroy of Kush, late Dynasty 18
384. Nebmehyt, priest of Amun in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
385. Hunefer, mayor of Thebes, Ramesside Period
386. Intef, general, Middle Kingdom
387. Meryptah, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, Ramesside Period
388. name unknown, Late Period
389. Bes, mayor of Thebes, Late Period
390. Irtyru, female scribe and attendant of the god's priestess Nitiqret, Late Period
391. Kerebesken, mayor of Thebes, Dynasty 25
392. name unknown, Late Period
393. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
394. name unknown, Ramesside Period
395. name unknown, Ramesside Period
396. name unknown, Dynasty 18
397. Nakht, first king's son of Amun, Dynasty 18
398. Kamose Nentawaref, child of the inner palace, Dynasty 18
399. name unknown, Ramesside Period
400. name unknown, date unknown
401. Nebseny, overseer of goldsmiths of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
402. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
403. Merymaat, temple scribe, Dynasty 18 (?)
404. Akhamenru, high steward of the god's priestess, Dynasty 25
405. Khenty, governor, First Intermediate Period
406. Piay, scribe of the altar of the Lord of the Two Lands, Ramesside Period
407. Bintenduatnetjer, chamberlain of the god's priestess, Late Period
408. Bakenamun, head of estate-workers of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
409. Samut Kyky, accountant of cattle of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
Theban Tombs 410-415 - added since the second edition of B. Porter and R. Moss, Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings, I. The Theban Necropolis, Part I. Private Tombs, Oxford 1960
410. Mutirdis, chief follower of the god's priestess, Late Period
411. Psamtek, Late Period
412. Qenamun, king's scribe, mid Dynasty 18
413. Unasankh, overseer of Upper Egypt, late Old Kingdom
414. Ankhhor, mayor of Memphis, Oxyrhynchus and Bahriya oasis, high steward of the god's priestess, Late Period
415. Amenhotep, chief physician, Ramesside Period
Theban Tombs known from early modern records, but exact location no longer known
A series: in the Dra Abu al-Nega area (1-3 north valley, 4-18 main hill, 19-25 middle valley, 26 south valley)
A1. Amenemhat, ka-priest, Dynasty 18
A2. name unknown, Dynasty 17 (?)
A3. Ruru, chief of police, New Kingdom
A4. Wensu, accountant of grain, mid Dynasty 18
A5. Neferhotep, overseer of the granary, mid Dynasty 18
A6. Thutnefer Seshu, overseer of marsh-lands, mid Dynasty 18
A7. Amenhotep, accountant, Dynasty 18
A8. Amenemheb, mayor of Thebes, late Dynasty 18
A9. name unknown, mid Dynasty 18
A10. Thutnefer, overseer of the treasury, mid Dynasty 18
A11. Khamwaset, New Kingdom
A12. Nebwenenef, overseer of marsh-dwellers of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period (?)
A13. Paimes, sealer of the storehouse of gifts, Dynasty 18
A14. name unknown, Ramesside Period
A15. Amenemheb, head doorkeeper of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
A16. Thuthotep, overseer of the estate in Thebes, Ramesside Period
A17. Userhat, head of measurers of the granary of the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
A18. Amenemipet, head of scribes in the Amun domain, Ramesside Period
A19. Amenhotep, mayor of Tjeny (Thinis), Dynasty 18
A20. Nakht, overseer of the granary of Amun, early Dynasty 18
A21. name unknown, late Dynasty 18 (?)
A22. Neferhebef, accountant of grain, Dynasty 18
A23. Penaashefyt, overseer of the treasury, Ramesside Period
A24. Samut, second priest of Amun, late Dynasty 18
A25. name unknown, Dynasty 18
A26. name unknown, Ramesside Period
A27. Say, king's scribe of the altar, New kingdom
A28. Nakht (?), Ramesside Period
B series: area of Khokha
B1. Mehehy, pure-priest of Amun, Ramesside Period
B2. Amenneferu, pure-priest at the fore, mid Dynasty 18
B3. Hauf, head of the production-area of the Amun domain, Late Period
B4 now identified as TT 41
B5 now identified as TT 386
C series: Sheikh abd al-Gurna area (1-4 north-east slope, 5-15 plain)
C1. Amenhotep, overseer of carpenters of Amun, late Dynasty 18
C2. Amenemhat, official, early Dynasty 18
C3. Amenhotep, deputy treasurer, Dynasty 18 (?)
C4. Merymaat, pure-priest of Turth, late Dynasty 18 (?) - this tomb has been relocated
C5. name unknown, late Dynasty 18 (?)
C6. Ipy, overseer of boats in the temple of king Thutmose IV, mid Dynasty 18
C7. Hormose, head guard of the treasury in the Ramesseum, Ramesside Period
C8. Nakht, overseer of fowl-pens in the Amun domain, Dynasty 18
C9 not now considered separate entity
C10. Penrenenu, scribe of the offering-table, Dynasty 18
C11. Nebseny, overseer of goldsmiths of Amun, mid Dynasty 18
C12. Meh, overseer of the gate, date unknown
C13. name unknown, date unknown
C14. Ankhefenthut Neferibraseneb, Late Period
C15. name unknown, overseer of the treasury (?), Dynasty 18
D series: Qurnet Murai area
D1. Nehy, viceroy of Nubia, mid Dynasty 18
D2. Petersemsedu, New Kingdom
D3. Meh, overseer of the estate [...], Dynasty 18 (?)
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