Tarkhan Tomb 1877
Dynasty 0 or Early First Dynasty (about 3000 BC)
Petrie: Sequence Date 78
Finds: four wavy line cylinder jars, two large storage jars, one calcite bowl, a cosmetic palette and beads around the neck, an armlet, an ivory pin.
(click on the objects in the drawing of the tomb)
Petrie 1914: pl. XLI (tomb register)
Measurements of the tomb: 68 x 114 x 215 (depth) cm
A woman's burial of the early First Dynasty. The tomb was found intact. Two points seems to be typical for a woman's burial:a cosmetic palette and beads around the neck. Also typical for a woman's burial, but not so common are the pin and the armlet. Common for all tombs are the cylinder jars and the storage jars.
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