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Manuscript for the health of mother and child
(A caution on reading the Ancient Egyptian writings on health | Reading a passage from an Ancient Egyptian healing manuscript)

The 'Kahun Medical Papyrus' or 'Gynaecological Papyrus' (translation by Stephen Quirke)

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UC 32057 page 1-2 (large picture - 186kb, small picture - 92kb - in hieroglyphs - 183kb) page 3 (large picture -1072 kb, small picture 111 kb- in hieroglyphs - 69kb)

Transliteration (using A, i, y, a, w, b, p, f, m, n, r, h, H, x, X, s, S, q, k, g, t, T, d, D) with translation

1. Column 1, lines 1-5

SsAw [st irty.sy] mn n mAt.n.s Hr mn nHbt.s
Dd.xr.k r.s xAaw pw n idt m irty.sy
ir.xr.k r.s kAp sy Hr snTr Hr mrHt mAt
kAp kAt.s Hr.s kAp irty.sy Hr inst nt gny
rdi.xr.k wnm.s mist nt aA wADt

Examination of a woman whose eyes are aching till she cannot see, on top of aches in her neck:
You should say of it 'it is discharges of the womb in her eyes'.
You should treat it by fumigating her with incense and fresh oil,
fumigating her womb with it, and fumigating her eyes with goose leg fat.
You should have her eat a fresh ass liver

2. Column 1, lines 5-8 (click here for the sound - 258 kb)

SsAw st mr idt.s m xp
Dd.xr.k r.s ptr ssnt.t
ir Dd.s n.k iw.i Hr ssnt ASr
Dd.xr.k r.s nmsw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s kAp sy Hr ssnt.s nbt m ASr

(click here for the sound - 231 kb)

Examination of a woman who is ill from her womb wandering
You should say of it 'what do you smell?'
If she tells you 'I smell roasting'
You should say of it 'it is wrappings (?) of the womb'
You should treat it by fumigating her with whatever she smells as roast'

3. Column 1, 8-12

SsAw st Hr mn pHwy.sy kns.s wAbw n mnty.sy
Dd.xr.k r.s xAaw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s waH + SASA + irt iHt hnw 1
ps sqbb ir m xt wat swri m dwAt 4

Examination of a woman aching in her rear, her front, and the calves of her thighs
You should say of it 'it is discharges of the womb'.
You should treat it with a measure of carob fruit, a measure of pellets, 1 hin of cow milk
Boil, cool, mix together, drink on 4 mornings

4. Column 1, 12-15

SsAw st Hr kns.s kAt.s DADAt nt kAt.s imywt-ny xpdw.s
Dd.xr.k r.s saA wr n mst
ir.xr.k r.s mrHt mAt hnw 1
iwH m kAt[.s] m [..]t.s

Examination of a woman in her front, her womb, the circuit of her womb between her buttocks
You should say of it 'large birth swelling'.
You should treat it with 1 hin of fresh oil
Pour over [her] womb and her [..]

5. Column 1, 15-20

SsAw st Hr mn ibHw.s nHdt.s n rxt.n.s [...] r.s
Dd.xr.k r.s tiAw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s k[A]p.in.k [sy] Hr mrHt snTr m DADA 1
iwH m [..].s mwyt nt aA qmAy sn-nw.f hrw n wS.f sy
ir mn.s [kn]s.s r mn [m] XA[b]w.s r mn m xpdw.s bTw pw

Examination of a woman aching in her teeth and molars to the point that she cannot [...] her mouth
You should say of it 'it is toothache of the womb'.
You should treat it then by fumigating her with incense and oil in 1 jar
Pour over her [..] the urine of an ass that has created its like the day it passed it
If she aches in her front from her navel to her buttocks, it is worm

6. Column 1, 20-22

SsAw st mr.n awt.s nbt Hr mn bAbAw n irty.sy
Dd.xr.k r.s gAt pw n idt n xpr n.s swri Hnqt (?) Hr qd m mst wADt
ir.xr.k r.s Hsb 1 n AH Hr mw
swri dwAt 1[+x]

Examination of a woman all of whose limbs are ill, aching in the socket of her eyes
You should say of it 'it is deprivation of the womb; no beer-drinking (?) has been allowed it for the condition of a fresh birth (?)'.
You should treat it with 1 portion (?) of dough (?) and water
Drink 1[+x] mornings

7. Column 1, 23-25 (click here for the sound - 213 kb)

SsAw st Hr mn rdwy.sy warty.sy m-xt Smt
Dd.xr.k r.s xAaw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s amam rdwy.sy warty.sy m amat r snbt.s

(click here for the sound - 219 kb)

Examination of a woman aching in her legs and her calves after walking
You should say of it 'it is discharges of the womb'.
You should treat it with a massage of her legs and calves with mud until she is well

8. Column 1, 25-27

SsAw st Hr mn nHdt.s kns.s anxwy.sy n sDm.n.s mdt
Dd.xr.k r.s nryw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s mitt n tfA pXrt nt dr sHAw n idt

Examination of a woman aching in her molars, her front, and her ears so much that she hears no word
You should say of it 'it is terrors of the womb'.
You should treat it with the same prescription used for removing detritus of the womb

9. Column 1, 27-29

SsAw st Hr mn kAt.s awt .s nbt mitt Hwt
Dd.xr.k r.s s..w pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s wnm mrHt r snbt.s

Examination of a woman aching in her her front and all her limbs as if she had been beaten
You should say of it 'it is .. of the womb'.
You should treat it with a diet of oil until she is well


10. Column 2, 1-5

SsAw st Hr mn mwyt mi[...] mwyt DAD..
Dd.xr.k r.s xAaw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s iwryt prt-Sny mwt nt gyw
nD snaaw Hr Hnqt n DADAt hnw 1
ps swri dwAt 4
wrS.s sDrt Hqrt dwA r swri hnw 1 n mitt iry
wrS.s Hqrt r iwt nw n ia-r

Examination of a woman aching in her urine ... and urine ...
You should say of it 'it is discharges of the womb'.
You should treat it with beans, prt-Sny plant and mwt-parts of the gyw plant
Grind, refine with a 1-hin jar of beer
Boil, drink on 4 mornings
She spends one day and night fasting, the morning after drink 1 hin of the same
She spends one day fasting until the arrival of breakfast time

11. Column 2, 5-7

SsAw st Hr mrt n dwn.s iw.s Hr sdA.f
Dd.xr.k r.s Ammw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s rdit swri.s hnw 2 n xAwy rdi qAa.s st Hr-awy

Examination of a woman bed-bound, not stretching when she shakes it
You should say of it 'it is clenches of the womb'.
You should treat it by having her drink 2 hin of beverage and have her spew it up at once

12. Column 2, 7-11

SsAw st Hr mn warty.sy
rdi.xr.k r.s stpw n HAtyw txb m antyw
[...] st [...] nDm m ir.n.s xt nbt snb pw
ir iyw [...] pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s [...] mhwy n mrHt mAt iwH [...].s
rdi antyw m [..].s m-sA irt nn

Examination of a woman aching in her calves
You should apply for it strips of fine linen soaked in resin.
[If ...] sweet, when she has done everything, it means (she will be) healthy
If the product [is foul?], it is [...] of the womb
You should treat it with [..] cup of fresh oil, pour over her [..]
Place resin on her [..] after doing this

13. Column 2, 11-18

SsAw [st ...] warty.sy wAt.s wat [..].s
Dd.xr.k r.s qaHw [...]
[ir.xr.k r.s ...] prt-Sny saAmw mwt nt gyw [...]
wAt mnt.s st Hr.s rdi sDr.s Hr.s
ir pXr [...]
[...] 2 wSa.s s [..] 2 psS m [...].s
ir wsS.s [..] m ir.n.s xt nbt [...].s Sfw
rdi.xr.k Dba.k Hr.s r gmm.k st rwd [...] Hr idt bTw pw

Examination [of a woman ...] her calves on her one side (?)
You should say of it '[it is] ejections [...]'.
[You should treat it with ...], prt-Sny plant, saAmw plant, mwt-parts of gyw plant [...]
the side on which she aches, and have her sleep on it
If [...] circulates
[...] 2, she chews [...] 2, divided in [...] her [..]
If she passes [..] when she has done everything, [...] her [..] swollen,
you should place your finger on it until you find it firm [...] on the womb, it is worm

14. Column 2, 18-20
SsAw st ibt [...]
[Dd.xr.k r.s ...]
ir.xr.k r.s HsA Sbb + HsA awyt [...]
[...] Hr qd

Examination of a woman thirsting [...]
[You should say of it '...'.]
You should treat it with a measure of fermented hesa-liquid, and [...] of hesa-liquid of awyt
[...] on form (?)

15. Column 2, 20-22

SsAw st kns.s Sfw [...]
[Dd.xr.k r.s ...]
ir.xr.k r.s wADw + nD snaa ps Hr irtt mh[...] 3

Examination of a woman when her front is swollen
[You should say of it '...'.]
You should treat it with a measure of wADw, grind and refine, boil with a cup (? of milk [...] 3

16. Column 2, 22-25

SsAw st Hr mn awt.s nbt bAbAw nw irty [...] skmt (?)
Dd.xr.k r.s kmtw pw n idt
ir.xr.k r.s mrHt + [...] iSd iArt nqawt iwHw prt-Sny [...]
[nD] snaa ps swri hrw 3

Examination of a woman aching in all her limbs and the sockets of [her] eyes [...] .. (?)
You should say of it 'it is pains of the womb'.
You should treat it with a measure of oil, [...] ished-fruit, grapes, notched sycamore fruit, beans, prt-Sny [...]
[Grind] and refine, boil and drink for three days

17. Column 2, 25-30

SsAw st snf [...] mwt rmT Hr mn DADA.s r.s Hnt nt drt.s
Dd.xr.k r.s [...]
ir.xr.k r.s sXr n.s sAtw rdi tAHt Hr.f nt Hnqt nDmt [...]
[ir t]m hAw n.s xt nbt r[di].xr.k bniw m sS m gs Hry n tA[Ht tn ...]
[...] Hry iry di Hms.s Hr.s
[ir] tm hAw [n].s xt nbt rdi.xr.k pst [...]
[...] sqbb swri[.s st]
[ir] swt hA n.s snf mw sHA r-p[...]

Examination of a woman bleeding [...] human mother, aching in her head, her mouth and the palm of her hand
You should say of it ['...'.]
You should treat it by smearing for her ground and placing on it dregs of sweet beer [...]
[If] nothing emerges for her, you should place dates in .. (?) on the upper side of [these] dregs [...]
[...] upper of it, causing her to sit on it;
[if] nothing emerges for her, you should have [...] boiled [...]
[...] cooled, for [her] to drink [it];
[if], though, blood or bodily fluid emerges for her, [...]

18. Column 3, 1-2

kt r sHAy st m h[..] gs n bAdt nt irtt [...] bAdt
smn iwH m kAt.s

Another (prescription? book?) for unveiling a woman from [..] half a scoop of milk [...] scoop
Solidify (?), sprinkle in her womb

19. Column 3, 2-3

siA ms.ty.sy m idt nt st ir ann Abd Abd (?) aq [...]
[...] nw sbnt (?)

Determining the child to be born in the womb of the woman. If a month returns on a month (?), there enters [...]
[...] of the suckling woman (?)

20. Column 3, 3-6
ir Hwt m pXrt nt siwi Hr-sA fdq annt p[...]
nD snaa s[..]w m Hbsw Hr HsA awyt
iwH m hayw [...] snTr mrHt mAt [bni]w Hnqt nDmt
rdi m-Xnw Sdi m tkA
kAp.xr.k [...] m nDm r

As for a woman stricken by a prescription for pregnancy after severing the return (?) [...]
Grind, refine, soak (?) in cloth with HsA and awyt-liquid
Submerge in the waters (?) [...] incense, fresh oil, dates, sweet beer
Place inside a rack (?) on the flame
You should fumigate [...] as a sweetener of the mouth

21. Column 3, 6

tm [..] Hs msH wgp Hr HsA awyt txb [...]

For preventing [..] crocodile dung, chopped over HsA and awyt-liquid, sprinkle [...]

22. Column 3, 7

kt pXrt hnw n bit iwH m kAt.s irt nn Hr sHm n Hsmn

Another prescription hin of honey, sprinkle over her womb, this to be done on natron bed


23. Column 3, 7-8

kt [...] Hr HsA awyt iwH m kAt.s

Another [...] over HsA and awyt-liquid, sprinkle over her womb

24. Column 3, 8-9

dr tiAw pw n idt wDa n bniw Hr [...]
qnqn smnx Hr Hnqt nDmt rdi Hms.s Hr.s wpw mnty.sy

This is for removing tiAw-pain of the womb date-palm stalk (?) on [...]
Crush, rejoin with sweet beer, have her sit on it with her legs apart

25. Column 3, 9-11

SsAw st tAw [...] iw irty.sy DAy
xpr-wr XA Hr iAb n ms-tA iwH f[d?]q [...] dwAt 4
rdi.xr.k Hms.s Hr mw n [...] mw n S rdi i[...]

Treatment of a woman burning [...], her eyes bleary (?)
xpr-wr wood grated on the left side of the birth-brick (?), sprinkle, sever (?) [...] 4 mornings
You should cause her to sit on water of [...] and (?) lake water, place [...]

26. Column 3, 12-14

siA ntt r iwi r ntt n iwr
[ir].xr.k mrHt mAt Hr [...].xr.k sy
ir gm mtyw n qAbt.s xASA Dd.xr.k r.s mst pw
ir gm.k st knkn Dd.xr.k r.s iw.s r mst wDf
ir swt gm.k sy mi irn(?)[...]

Determining a woman who will conceive from one who will not
You should [make] fresh oil and [...] You should [...] it
If the vessels of her innards are found distended, you should say of it 'it is the birth'
If you find it limp, you should say of it 'she will give birth late',
but if you find her like ..[...]

27. Column 3, 15-17

ky sp rdi.xr.k Hms.s Hr sAtw sXr m tAHt nt Hnqt nDmt rdi dqr [bniw ...]
[...] qis iw.s r mst
ir grt tnw qis nb nty r prt m r.s tnw ms[...]
[ir] grt tm[.s qis] nn ms.s r nHH

Another instance. You should have her sit on earth smeared with dregs of sweet beer, put fruit, [dates ...]
[...] ejects, she will give birth
and for every ejection which comes from her mouth, each is one birth (?) [...]
[If she] does not [eject] though, she will never give birth

28. Column 3, 17-19

ky sp rdi.xr.k TA n HDw r m Xt [...].f im [...].s
ir gmy.k sw im.f Dd.xr.k r.s iw.s r mst
ir tm.k gm xnt.s [...] nn [ms.s r nHH]

Another instance. You should place a bundle of onions mouth on belly (?) [...] it [...] there [...]
If you find it in it, you should say of it 'she will give birth'
If you do not find her/its fore [... she] will not [give birth ever]

29.Column 3, 19-20

ky sp nDr.xr.k r.s Hr spt.s Hnt Dba.k Hryw mniA.s
[.. n]hq [...]
i [...] tm nhq nn ms.s r nHH

Another instance. You should pummel for it on her lip, the tip of your finger on the top of her mniA
[If .. ] hurts[...]
I[f ..] does not hurt, she will never give birth

30. Column 3, 20-23

ky sp bHs pwy n Hr [...] iw.i Hr [...] Hr Ts pXr
hAA.k r bw [..].k i
Dd.tw r [...] ir hA m Srt.s iw.s r mst
ir hA m kAt.s iw.s r mst
ir grt [...].s r nHH

Another instance. That calf of Horus [...] I am on [...] Horus and vice versa
Go down to the place from which you [...]
[..] formula is said [...] if (it) comes down from her nostril, she will give birth
If (it) comes down from her womb, she will give birth
If then [...] she will [not give birth] for ever

31. Column 3, 23-24

ky sp ir mAA.k Hr.s wAD m wAD swt gmy.k xt Hr.s mi [...]
[...]y ir grt mAn.k xt Hr irty.sy nn ms.s r nHH

Another instance. If you see her face fresh with freshness but find something on her like [...]
[...] but if you see anything on her eyes, she will never give birth

32. Column 3, 24-25

siA ntt r iw[...]
[...] mitt pfA Dba Hr mniA

Determining a woman who will conceive [...]
[...] like that finger on the mniA

33. Column 3, 25-26

tm rdi tiA st [...] iwyt nD m [...]
[...].s r nHdt.sy hrw n ms.s
dr tiAw [pw] Ss mAa HH n [sp]

Preventing acute pains of a woman. [...] beans, grind with [...]
[...] her (?) at her molars (?) the day she gives birth
[This is] an effective (way) to prevent acute pains, a million [times]

34. Column 3, 27-28

[...] st mwyt m st qsnt ir iwt mwy[...]
[...]w xr siA.s sy wnn.s m mitt r nHH

[...] a woman waters in difficulty if the waters come [...]
[...] when she observes it, she will be the same for ever



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